HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • For winson

    10. 20. 2017 11:08


This morning waiting in a room, where I was host, I receive a call by phone, at the end was nearing completion of 9 minutes and players left the room, well I go out too and enter a room that you "winson " had created.You banned me and then I throw the game, not letting it in again. Know that you are a rude, arrogant, provocative .... and do not be angry with me when I exercise the same free will that you have shown, ban you

Esta mañana esperando en una room, en la que yo era host, recibo una llamada por telefono, al finalizar estaba a punto de cumplirse 9 minutos y los jugadores salian de la room, bien salgo yo también y entro en una room que usted "winson" había creado.
Usted me ban y acto seguido lanzo la partida no dejando que vuelva a entrar. Sepa usted que es un grosero, prepotente, provocador.... y no se enfade conmigo cuando YO ejerciendo el mismo libre albedrío del que usted ha hecho gala, le banee.

Un saludo



  • Re : For winson

    10. 20. 2017 12:58


How did everyone in the room know your phone wrang?

Do you expect everyone to wait for you to complete your call?

Stop being an idiot host, you could have left the room to answer the call.

JSYK...same circumstances, I'll ban you too.

  • Re : For winson

    10. 20. 2017 21:07


It is against the game rule to ban players from a room as a host (except for loaders).  What is wrong with people nowadays?  Why do people have to retailate?  He should not ban you in the first place.  You also should not retaliate.  Two wrongs do not make it right.  Have some courtesy?  It is a game. 

I was a host one time and left the battle room due to real life issue at home.  Someone else became the host.  I took care of the issue, came back, and joined.  I was banned from the room because that new host did not like me leaving earlier.  I left the game, did not play anymore that day, and reported.  That was more than 2-3 years ago.  I guess once you host a game, you should stick to it no matter what (real-life emergency, computer crash, or disconnect)?  LoL. 


  • Re : For winson

    10. 23. 2017 05:18


There is a rule in place about banning players. Do so contrary to the rule you will be at risk. Pretty simple if you plan to host don't afk. If u must afk while hosting then leave the room to allow a nonafk player to host. Nobody likes waiting for a afk host.

  • Re : For winson

    10. 23. 2017 14:51


Originally Posted by Aranicar

It is against the game rule to ban players from a room as a host (except for loaders).  What is wrong with people nowadays?  Why do people have to retailate?  He should not ban you in the first place.  You also should not retaliate.  Two wrongs do not make it right.  Have some courtesy?  It is a game. 

I was a host one time and left the battle room due to real life issue at home.  Someone else became the host.  I took care of the issue, came back, and joined.  I was banned from the room because that new host did not like me leaving earlier.  I left the game, did not play anymore that day, and reported.  That was more than 2-3 years ago.  I guess once you host a game, you should stick to it no matter what (real-life emergency, computer crash, or disconnect)?  LoL. 


  • Re : For winson

    10. 23. 2017 14:55


Minister Rakan. Is one of your moderators. He's on global totally abusing his position and Power. He is Banning people for normal conversation who are not using any inappropriate language. I think you seriously need to take a look at your moderators and who you put in charge, to govern over global. This is totally unfair and he is totally out of control. Please address this ongoing issue I am sure you're going to receive many reports and emails about this moderator!!! It would be nice and it change if you was actually helped out the players instead of trusting in these people who have no knowledge of the game. Many of these moderators just wanted the position for power and it needs to be addressed....!!!!

  • Re : For winson

    10. 24. 2017 03:26


Originally Posted by WillyBee01

Minister Rakan. Is one of your moderators. He's on global totally abusing his position and Power. He is Banning people for normal conversation who are not using any inappropriate language. I think you seriously need to take a look at your moderators and who you put in charge, to govern over global. This is totally unfair and he is totally out of control. Please address this ongoing issue I am sure you're going to receive many reports and emails about this moderator!!! It would be nice and it change if you was actually helped out the players instead of trusting in these people who have no knowledge of the game. Many of these moderators just wanted the position for power and it needs to be addressed....!!!!

You are either referring to NF Mobile or a different server. This is NFNA. 

Regarding the issue I completely agree with Aranicar, and unjust bans could lead to penalties if the victim feels like sending in a support ticket.

  • Re : For winson

    10. 24. 2017 04:43


[QUOTE = bamaman]

¿Cómo sabían todos en la sala que tu teléfono estaba sonando?

¿Esperas que todos esperen a que completes tu llamada?

Deja de ser un anfitrión idiota, podrías haber salido de la sala para contestar la llamada.

JSYK ... mismas circunstancias, yo también te prohibiré.


Quien sos vos para prohibir ??? ... su caso explica , nadie como Host puede saber que le pasa en esos 10 minutos que uno tiene la sala , aseguro que si tu estas de host y te llaman de urgencia y atiendes pasara la mismo , y no te gustara nada que cuando te prohiban entrar a la siguiente sala!..

Con amor eres un manco hablador!

  • Re : For winson

    10. 24. 2017 04:45


[QUOTE = Vuurschip]

[QUOTE = WillyBee01]

Ministro Rakan. Es uno de tus moderadores. Está en global abusando totalmente de su posición y poder. Prohibe personas para conversaciones normales que no usan un lenguaje inapropiado. Creo que en serio necesitas echar un vistazo a tus moderadores y a quién le encargas, para gobernar sobre global. Esto es totalmente injusto y está totalmente fuera de control. Por favor, dirígete a este problema continuo. ¡Estoy seguro de que recibirás muchos informes y correos electrónicos sobre este moderador! Sería bueno y cambiaría si realmente se ayudara a los jugadores en lugar de confiar en estas personas que no conocen el juego. Muchos de estos moderadores solo querían el puesto de poder y es necesario abordarlo ... !!!!


O te refieres a NF Mobile o a un servidor diferente. Esto es NFNA. 

En relación con el tema, estoy completamente de acuerdo con Aranicar, y las prohibiciones injustas podrían dar lugar a sanciones si la víctima tiene ganas de enviar un ticket de soporte.


Lo que refiere MCUSA es que el GM lo baneo al querer entrar en la otra sala ( GM HOST ROOM ) . lo cual siendo el gm deberia dar el ejemplo aunque antes preguntar que paso que quedo afk !!!

Recuerdo que vinnson no banea a todos  ya que si tuvieramos todos que banear a los que quedan AFK seria una tremenda pelea constante!

relea bien lo que plantea el jugador solo es claro y dice que cuando lo vea a vinnson le hara lo mismo que hizo el! haber si le gusta!

  • Re : For winson

    10. 25. 2017 05:04


Do you mean Vinnson !
Well he is the GMAE GM ! .. but he was never rude !! 
He had never bann no one from his room unless he made A NORMAL room in battle area to welcome or advertize some thing .. in this case he Ban if bussy and close the room, But to be honest .. he never ban me from any room before.

  • Re : For winson

    10. 25. 2017 13:46


This is why i quit NF, it really became to sensitive. YOU'RE telling me you got banned from a room and you came to the forums to CRY. Lol i would ban you for complaining about being banned, Yall need to act like men and not little girls. And you folks here defending his cry baby ways. 

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