HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 02. 2017 20:44


Item drops are not a big enough incentive to encourage people to play Skirmish and Blitzkrieg battles.  If you want people to play Skirmish and Blitzkrieg, you need to have  a 'No Great Battles' event i.e. have an event during which no battles can be fought using high level ships.  Yes, lots of people will moan but it will help new players.


  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 02. 2017 22:57


A No GB event is a terrible idea. When Blitz Random Drop item was introduced, for the very first week or two, there was practically no GB rooms, maybe 1 in about a certain time, but it didn't last long. A lot of veterans just skip playing NF altogether since they don't have anymore crews to level, so it doesn't help anyone if NF makes a "No GB event" since a lot of players won't even play the game.

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 03. 2017 10:24


But IT IS an Event!!


So don´t whine and make the best of it!!




  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 03. 2017 20:05


As a player that has lvl 90 Everything. What would i play? 
I have 7 BB6s, 6 CV 6s, and 3 SS 5.5s. which the remaining CV crew and Sub crews are both 90+. 

I guess for the special snowflakes ill just not play during this "Non GB event"?

Lets also not forget. This whole event has been for New players. Very few veteran or long term players benefited from this event. those that did, made new accounts. 

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 03. 2017 22:17


There are still many players around with medium and low level ships.  If a no GB event is a terrible idea, how do we encourage them to play Skirmish and Blitzkrieg?

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 03. 2017 23:31


When finally released blitzkrieg sailors? Do this and the problem will be immediately solved.

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 04. 2017 04:59


Originally Posted by dpld11

There are still many players around with medium and low level ships.  If a no GB event is a terrible idea, how do we encourage them to play Skirmish and Blitzkrieg?

No letting play in gbs low level players, then won't be problem, low level players will play blitzkrieg and skimish and high level players will play gbs

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 04. 2017 09:29


Originally Posted by dpld11

There are still many players around with medium and low level ships.  If a no GB event is a terrible idea, how do we encourage them to play Skirmish and Blitzkrieg?

Its obvious that you dont understand the various game types and what they are used for. So let me explain. 
Blitz is for brand new players, the level cap is 60. I might be wrong and giving it to much because they have changed it a few times. 
Skirmish is for those players that are maxed out of blitz, even then anything over level 89 i believe, is blocked from entering. The Skirmish is the only "low level" Room that subs can enter. Since blitz is sub blocked. 
For sub players that leaves GB, and Skirmish. 

This game was out for nearly 10 years before it was put on steam. The last 2 years before the game was released on Steam, its player base was strickly high level players. 90% of new players where new accounts created by veteran players. Because to do what i have with as many high level crews cost money. Most dont want to spend.  Regardless,  having a new player complain about a event created just for new players is amazing. 

Blitz and skirmish are only boosted right now, because the game was released on Steam. Period. Generally the boosts only ever apply to GB, GB2, Nightbattle, and WW. All of which have no level cap. 

Blitz wont start because the current player base doesnt want to play blitz or doesnt have blitz crews. Skirmish wont start because at 10CST when only 16 BB fill rooms, 5 of those are skirmish level bbs. 

Your statement to saying there are plenty of medium and low level players. Then explain why they are not starting Skirmishes?

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 04. 2017 14:06


Because they get owned faster in Skirmish than GB. They have low SD crews and dont know how to play. 

  • Re : This weekend's event is a flop.

    12. 12. 2017 21:24


I have just been in a GB.  There were at least a dozen ships in it which could have fought in a Skirmish battle.  If I open a Skirmish room, people look in, but mostly they are not prpared to wait. They go to a GB room which has more ships in it.

How do we pesuade people to fight in Skirmish battles.