HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Hosting Battle Rooms

    01. 20. 2018 19:21


Can some translate this so our friends in China can read this.

What is so difficult about hosting a room?

Is it impossible, that when you host, that you actually "PAY ATTENTION" to the room?

Players that have crashed/disconnected will have their name in can ban them.

If a player has crashed/disconnected, or is loading they will not load fasted if you open/close the room.

20 BB's and 6 CV's are the max a room can DO NOT have to wait 9 minutes to get 6 CV' can go with 4.


  • Re : Hosting Battle Rooms

    01. 21. 2018 07:44


And what to do with these players who is always AFK....?

  • Re : Hosting Battle Rooms

    01. 21. 2018 11:39


Originally Posted by greywolf_eu

And what to do with these players who is always AFK....?

If I am in a room and the Host is AFK, I leave and Host a room if there isn't another open.

When the AFK host enters the room I am hosting, I ban him from the room.

The way I see it, if he has the ability to deny me the oportunity to play, I have the right as well.

Is that against the rules...Hell I don't know if it is or not...but there is no other recourse for punishment for AFK Hosts. Report them? I am not wasting anyones time sending a support ticket crying about an afk host...I'll kick them from the room. If I get reported, so be it...if I get banned for a day, so be it.

Can TNF/SDE condone such activity as banning AFK Hosts? No. But they can apply a common sense when making a determination as to banning the "offender"...Yes!

  • Re : Hosting Battle Rooms

    01. 22. 2018 12:47


200% host are chinese and afks its a real situation.