HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • manual dive bombing to 0.01~0.2 second "how to do it?" *****newbe CV user tip!*****

    02. 22. 2020 19:25

Recommend : 1


1. target find it (The first manual dive bombers are those with a wide range of hitting decisions such as BB and CV.)

2. ';' key holding to mouse Left Click in enermy targetting (Some people target the oceans to gather bombs at high concentrations.)

3. 0.5-1.5 seconds before arriving at targeting "." Press the key several times (It may not be 0.5 ~ 1.5 seconds depending on server ping and server lag)

4. target hit check and R2B


Manual dive bombing is a high level of difficulty, but it's a great system to get out of the way after a bombing without the bomber alarm. See you next time for more cool tips. Thank you
for reading 


  • Re : manual dive bombing to 0.01~0.2 second "how to do it?" *****newbe CV user tip!**...

    03. 19. 2020 06:36


Great tutorial, thanks!