HA Infomation

Soviet Navy


  • What guns setup is right for Moskva EBB?

    03. 27. 2020 10:46


Hi, what guns are better for Moskva? Triple or quadro? With 4x16" Viker only 2 binds can be loaded, something wrong?


  • Re : What guns setup is right for Moskva EBB?

    04. 01. 2020 15:09


The correct guns are the LVL 115 16" TD-18 triples. These are the best guns by far, and you'll be able to fit 4 binds. The only serious alternative would be the LVL 115 16" AC-13 quads (also 4 binds). However, these guns have reduced shell damage, so they actually tend not to hit as hard as the triples, leaving no benefit and several drawbacks.

The 115 guns cheat a little in that their ammunition uses only a fraction of the space as that on normal guns, and as a result, they can fit twice as many binds even with a higher space requirement for the turrets.

  • Re : What guns setup is right for Moskva EBB?

    09. 12. 2020 10:45


this is still true? 16 trips? I know things change here alot