HA Infomation



  • few suggestions from noob

    09. 07. 2011 01:56

Recommend : 0

i always think that some of the the low-level ships or those DD in great battle just equal to the feed for those BB4.5.6.
in order to add more spice in the game, instead of just have thehope of growing the level, navyfield should better well positioning the role for each grade of ship.

> for ff, allow it to bring few shoot of torp which contain a higher attack.
>for DD, increase it speed and add one more slot only assign for depth charge, 
>for cl/ ca and bb12 should have similar range but increase their range overrall 
>BB345 , lower their speed much and increase their shell damage.

these are sure not well-designed but i only hope that the different specialities of diff. ship can be signified.
and for those using dd or cl in great battle will not only hide behind.


  • Re : few suggestions from noob

    09. 07. 2011 03:23

FF - Stronger torps? Ok
DD - Thay are already fast and they don't need a special slot for DCs.
CL/CA/BB12 - No this would make BB12 useless because they take a BB slot while CL/CA could reign supreme.
besides if you really want a CA with BB range then buy a PCA.
BB345 - Thay are already slow. You just need better engineers on your ship.

Also... never call your suggestions "noob" or "newbie" because people just ignore them.

  • Re : few suggestions from noob

    09. 07. 2011 11:29


we should make ever ship tier equal to each other so that even in a level based game, a player just starting out will have the same capabilities as a player who has spent years perfecting the end-game goal.

  • Re : few suggestions from noob

    09. 07. 2011 15:06

> for ff, allow it to bring few shoot of torp which contain a higher attack.
lol, no comment

>for DD, increase it speed and add one more slot only assign for depth charge,
DD3 can already go fast as 50+ knots like z99, L CLass, SN DD3,etc with good engy and PHH

>for cl/ ca and bb12 should have similar range but increase their range overrall
so much for KM and SN advantage to have longer range than other nation

>BB345 , lower their speed much and increase their shell damage.
lol what