HA Infomation



  • [Harbour Assault] Deny access for new player...

    06. 24. 2011 12:16

Recommend : 18

This suggestion is based strictly for Harbour Assault, which consists of:
-Deny access for new player to the fleet involved, when the HA is declared.
-Activate the access of new player to the fleet once the HA is completed.

With this sysstem avoid:
- Reinforcements/ help from other fleets.
- Reinforcemtns/ assistance from other players.
[Mercenaries, Allies, etc)

As some fleets will know it's not strange to see the same player helping to 3 differente fleets.

Esta sugerencia esta basa estrictamente para los HA, el cual consiste en:
- Denegar el acceso a nuevos jugadores a las flotas involucradas, cuando el HA es declarado.
- Activar el acceso de nuevos jugadores a las flotas una vez el HA haya finalizado.

Con este sistema evitamos:
- Refuerzos y/o ayuda de otras flotas.
- Refuerzos y/o ayuda de otros jugadores.
(Mercenarios, aliados, osea transferencia de cuentas).

Como algunas flotas ya saben, no es de estrañarse el ver jugadores ayudando en los HA en 3 flotas distintas.


  • Re : [Harbour Assault] Deny access for new player...

    06. 24. 2011 12:24

merc can still play a acc from the fleet that is a older acc

  • Re : [Harbour Assault] Deny access for new player...

    06. 25. 2011 12:35

You should re-word what you say. Because how it first reads is: If your a new player, you cannot play in HAs.

You should word it something like this: Not allow new FLEET MEMBERS to participate in HA's for the first HA.

But after the first HA, the player should be allowed to play in HA's no matter what.

Also, there should be a time limit on this. Like If you join the fleet 1-2 weeks before an HA, you can still play in the first HA.