HA Infomation



  • Scouts w/depth charges

    09. 11. 2011 15:45

Recommend : 2


i didn't really think about this until recently when i was remembering a game i used to play on
 my xbox, how come scouts can't carry depth charges? yes it would require scouts to have sonar
sooner or later but it would give BB's and other ships a better chance vs subs.


  • Re : Scouts w/depth charges

    09. 11. 2011 15:54

thats not a bad idea, however you can already launch mines to attack subs.

  • Re : Scouts w/depth charges

    09. 11. 2011 16:00

Historically ASW has relied a great deal on helicopters making ASW attacks and dropping sonar buoys.

With the state of subs and ASW in NF right now, I think it would be an excellent idea to have these kinds of things put in via scouts. Making the current ASW tools stronger to balance things is easy, but adding more different kinds of tools is better in the long run. If sonar buoys and/or depth charges were to be added as a scout-only weapon, it would allow CVs to specialize in ASW if they so choose (since they could then use larger squadrons of scouts to saturate the SS with DCs), and it would allow BBs a limited ability to combat subs (since they can only launch 1-2 planes at a time).

Of course sonar buoys would require a great deal of coding because they don't even exist in NF, whereas making scouts compatible with DCs wouldn't be as much work.

You've got my recommendation, I think it's a great idea.

  • Re : Scouts w/depth charges

    09. 12. 2011 17:02

Although I like the idea of dropping DC's from scouts......
I load my CV with scouts and then I saturate bomb enemy ships with DCs.

With all the Hedghog drops and their HEAVY use in many games, you get
a flavor of what massed scouts dropping DC's could be like.

I wouldn't want my ship under a mass drop of 8+ DCs.

Perhaps a specialized ASW aircraft and limit the number to be carried...say 2 at most.
This will reduce the # of F,TB, & DB's on board forcing a trade off in aircraft.

Another type of aircraft will give CV drivers fits and they are already multi tasked like mad.