HA Infomation

Marine Nationale


  • Paris or Lyon

    09. 19. 2011 19:18

Hey im almost level 69 which will let me be able to use the paris, i am currently using the Lyon, so should i stick with the lyon till 79 or swith to the paris?


  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 19. 2011 19:24

Get a Mandel and level in it till your crew is 8-10 levels higher than Lyon/Paris.

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 19. 2011 19:34

why would i use a mandel?

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 20. 2011 03:16

Originally Posted by fruitnoodled

why would i use a mandel?

Mandel it's overpowered..

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 20. 2011 04:49

Originally Posted by Micrim

Originally Posted by fruitnoodled

why would i use a mandel?

Mandel it's overpowered..

mandel was already fixed, it can't use the bugged 12", now its only guns can use is the 12" of courbet...

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 23. 2011 12:27

if you have high lvl gunners go with lyon other then that paris

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 24. 2011 07:39

Originally Posted by Micrim

Originally Posted by fruitnoodled

why would i use a mandel?

Mandel it's overpowered..

That and the fact that I don't put at level crew on a battleship of any type.
I have always had my crews be 8-10+ levels higher than the battleship I could use.

Besides, I am riding Mandel to Richy.

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 28. 2011 00:42

Paris - Has higher OH Speed but has lower gun damage than a Lyon, (For me) it has the higher hit box.

Lyon - Lower OH Speed, but awesome gun damage, (I've Lyon on the grind to Alsace, playing the BB3/4 a few times, but mostly its almost all Lyon grind)

If you can suffer being in a lower speed ship but has got awesome damage go for Lyon (Lyon has 35knots OH, but if you want to have a higher speed but average damage go Paris (for got the OH Speed of Paris).

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 28. 2011 05:23

i find both good

in spread lyon is forgiving even with a shotgun spread, at least 7-10 out of 16 shells have possibility to on the enemy ship

while paris its hard to hit in term of its size as long as you know how to dodge, if you got good bve'd engies and its 12" its easy to rush a blind or a lone bb

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 29. 2011 15:48

Originally Posted by maykel

If you can suffer being in a lower speed ship but has got awesome damage go for Lyon (Lyon has 35knots OH, but if you want to have a higher speed but average damage go Paris (for got the OH Speed of Paris).

Using quads or duals on the Lyon?

  • Re : Paris or Lyon

    09. 30. 2011 02:30

Originally Posted by heatrr

Originally Posted by maykel

If you can suffer being in a lower speed ship but has got awesome damage go for Lyon (Lyon has 35knots OH, but if you want to have a higher speed but average damage go Paris (for got the OH Speed of Paris).

Using quads or duals on the Lyon?

I use quads on the Lyon, Heat. I like watching the 16 shells bearing down on a BB.

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