HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 05:01

Subject sort of explains itself
i have in my hands multiple Premium elite bombers im wondering which would give me more bang for my buck?
EBVE Torp bombers or EBVE dive bombers?


  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 07:27

Depends on what you define by "bang for my buck".

In my case I have 2 of both.

I have DB because they make more damage since they don't have to cut through armor most of the time. They also give more exp since all their attack goes to personal exp. So they are good for most of my games when paired with 6 fighters so they can fly safe. It's a purely rational choice.

I have TB because they are more fun for me when used in manual. Nothing more exciting than to see 12TB in perfect formation getting close to a ship that has no clue that they are coming and after they are released, hitting the ship one after the other. They are also better than DB to counter SS. It's a completely emotional choice since the attack they do is all shared exp.

In my definition of "Bang for my buck", TB give me the more "Bang".
You will have to see what best suits you.

  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 08:38

IJN TB torpedo damage is Average
IJN DB damage is second best.

DBs are generally easier to use and get good faster than TBs who need a higher level to become AAW resistant (so they don't die before or shorly after releasing torps).

Also note that torpedo (including TB) exp gain is broken (in a bad way).

So you are generally better off with DBs.

  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 09:05

i just started a new ijn line and i went db. tb at low level are paperplanes meaning easy sailor deaths. plus why not use dive bomber if they are considered one of the best. I would reccomend dive bombers.

  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 17:41

Cheers for the imput guys
have decided to go Dive bombers :)

  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 18:26

High five sonlirain.

  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 18:26

High five sonlirain.

  • Re : IJN Dive bombers or Torp?

    09. 21. 2011 23:24

Yep, read Sonlirain's post, you are better of with DBs.

Even though, I still keep them, right now on my Hiryu i have 3 ftrs, 2, dbers and a tpber :)

I only keep 8 planes though, because, as Sonlirain said, dbers are way better "low-level" (0-75-80), yet they can be good if you see someone being owned by a TW, you know their bulge is down.