HA Infomation



  • Host notifications

    09. 28. 2011 18:16

Recommend : 0

The pre-battle "battleroom" UI could benefit greatly from a couple additions. Hosts are frequently AFK, leading to frustration for everyone involved. What I suggest is simple; there are more involved ways to make the system even better, but I think even these small steps would be a major improvement:

1. When the host leaves and a new host is assigned, play a "host notification sound" for the player who became the new host.

2. When someone types "host check" (or even via a new slash command like "/hostcheck"), play the "host notification sound" for the player that is the host, subject to constraints to avoid abuse and spamming.

It can be a bell, a ringtone, a foghorn, a klaxxon, a siren, the comically deep-voiced voice actor going "Oh-kay!", it doesn't matter. To prevent spamming, it could be put on a cooldown so it can only sound once every 60 seconds, or only after the room has been open for 5 minutes, or possibly only after detecting that the host is away (as long as being tabbed out is still considered away).

I'm hoping this can be something quick and easy, because it would make everyone's NF experience just a little bit less frustrating. We don't need fancy mutiny votes or anything like that... just a simple way to get the host's attention if he's in the fridge or tabbed to his web browser would be a huge help.


  • Re : Host notifications

    09. 28. 2011 19:02

Only one issue with a /command, someone will abuse it to annoy someone.

I suggest a 1 minute idle period where it automatically goes off every 10 seconds for 1 minute then changes the host if they do not move their mouse within the 2 minutes.

Also if the 1 minute idle time is hit after 9 minutes but before 10 minutes, the room should add 2 minutes to either wake the host up, or select a new host and give him a minute to move.

Coding this in is easy, the In battle AFK warning timer is already 1 minute, coping that code and changing its sound notice from the light beep to something slightly louder. Quick, simple, easy to do.

  • Re : Host notifications

    09. 28. 2011 20:58

think there should be a warm up period also, such only allowing any of this stuff to occur after 5 min, if at least ~75% of the room is full and at least the minimum number of ships is met.

  • Re : Host notifications

    09. 28. 2011 21:19

Valid points. I adjusted the OP to reflect them to some extent.

  • Re : Host notifications

    09. 28. 2011 22:26

1 - There is already a sound and a pop up when someone becomes the new host of a room, due to original one leaving.

2- With the limitation you described, I feel extending this to host check might be nice. I doubt the game can see if you are alt-tabbed or not however.

I do agree when you hit 3 AFK host in a row, you tend to grow pissed.

Recc'ed for the 2nd point. Might want to edit out the part about host change notification.