HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • dive to deepdive bug

    10. 16. 2011 10:06

i just thought i saw it wrong but the situation repeats,

if change from dive to deepdive to prevent damage but you are to slow and get damage
from 1 torp for example because u not hit the deepdive early enough and then after the damage your 
change in deepdive the sub sunks

that was now 8-9 times, damage taken but hp stay to 14.000-16.000 then reached deepdive and dead



  • Re : dive to deepdive bug

    10. 16. 2011 14:11

if u go from dive to critdive/ deepdive u are more vulnerable
so if u are attackt the damage u get hits harder
if u are in critdive and u have been hit befor u had compleated ur move
u can even self distruct if u stay in crit dive
somtimes it is better to take the hit of 1 torp then to use critdive to late
ita a ballance u need to finde

  • Re : dive to deepdive bug

    10. 16. 2011 19:12

Also, when you have no more SD during critical dive (which is usually the case) you lose DP at a much faster rate.