HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Patch Notes

    10. 26. 2011 12:18

Is the going to any kind of Update with tonights Patch?
i think it better if the patch Notes were posted  earlier in the day on PST instead of just before the Actual patch.


  • Re : Patch Notes

    10. 26. 2011 12:52

Why does it matter?

If there is something massive coming that involves the players doing something, they are notified well in advance.

Past that, I don't see why notifying the community a few hours earlier matters in the slightest.

  • Re : Patch Notes

    10. 26. 2011 17:29

Their doing maintenance every week at the same time pretty much.

Somewhat, they could put the notice up at 10:55 PM that the server is going to be down from 11 to 1, and everyone would already have went off the server knowing about it.

As gtdawg said, if its a big patch, give a notification (especially if it includes selling ships or guns etc). Otherwise a single maintenance time being displayed somewhere would do the job imo.