HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Plvl BO?

    11. 01. 2011 13:07

I'm considering getting a IJN CV, I already have some IJN crews it would be quite easy for me to get a neut to 25, class him IJN then lvl him to 47 (Hosho lvl) before classing BO (and I'm lvling new AA gunners anyway so can do it at the same time).

My question, will I be shooting myself in the foot? I know if you do this with a BB BO you will never be able to see your shells land, but does it matter in CV?


P.S. I plan to buy or trade for Pilots, so I'm not interested in lvling a whole crew, just getting CV quickly.


  • Re : Plvl BO?

    11. 01. 2011 13:28

No it doesnt matter. Do check to make sure you can class your BO above 25, but I think its doable.

But on the CV line, you really won't use guns, maybe HH but even a power-leveled BO can spot them.

Even better, do that with an high rep/res sailor for BO.

  • Re : Plvl BO?

    11. 01. 2011 13:36

thanks =)

according to the game if you leave neuts after 25 u cant class them as nation but I think once they are nation there are no limits.

  • Re : Plvl BO?

    11. 04. 2011 13:27

must be NATIONALIZED before level 25 (i do mine @24) ...
but can then be left as a simple sailor until ... whenever ...

you might want to class as nation at lvl 12 tho .. to get the nation benefit bonus ...
and then you just leave it as sailor from there ...

tips for putting these pwr lvl bo unclassed sailors to work :
as simple national sailors they can still run basic guns and torps etc (including phh) ...

first the usual warning caveat : .. pwr lvling a bo totally RUINS his gun sight lines ...
so DO NOT DO IT for a BB line bo .. .... ever ..... .......... (disclaimer done with - lets proceed:)

pwr lvl'ing can be done not only for the CV bo but also for the SS and APA bo's as well ..

i ofthen have my kita set up with the ss crew on board under the classed BB bo ..
and the unclassed sailor thats going to become my ss bo is my kita bow gunner

when there are two such unclassed sailors being leveled i often use them in my T slots
to run the basic torps .. or phh .. or basic guns .. depending on ship and purpose ..

when doing just one .. or when they cv bo-2-be gets higher level .. consider investing in pcl/pca/pbb ships
because .. even unclassed they can still be used to drive the premium ships if you should so use them ...

  • Re : Plvl BO?

    11. 04. 2011 21:27

You can Plvl a BO on any line (BB/CV/APA/SS) but there are a few things you might want to keep in mind when doing it.

For a BB Bo - You need atleast a +15 in Pot, boost it and a minimum of 130vets and almost full experts, allowing it to compensate for the lack/loss of Operating/Pot ability while power leveling it. Done it a few times already, gave them nations at level 12 and made them BOs at PBB level (highest I did was at BB4 level, 160vets and almost full experts @ level 100 its already ok), they can see the shells land and when they reached level 80++ the lines are already ok, never had any problems with it.

For CV/APA/SS - Just put some experts and they are ready to go.

Just remember to give them their nationality at level 12 to get the nation bonuses or until level 24. Then leave the sailor be and just class them as BO at your desired level.

  • Re : Plvl BO?

    11. 05. 2011 02:43

thanks for all your contributions, that's really useful information =)

I'm in a strange position because I have a SS BO classed and I'm using him to Plvl 2 CV BOs (one for each line), some AA gunners, and get him to SS3 at the same time so I don't have to use the crappy SS1/2.

I did actually notice the other day that all IJN guns up to and including 2x 7.9" and 3x 6" only need the "gun" ability... so technically my unclassed sailors (future BOs) can be gunners on a Mogami!!! obviously they will suck, but it's do-able 0.o

that said, I plan to use my SS BO in the Yubari as a lvling platform with my 2x armament sailors (future AA) and 2x unclassed (future BOs) mannig basic guns and torps, and the rest of my SS crew in the support slots.