HA Infomation

Marine Nationale


  • (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 26. 2011 18:06


I recently noticed that auto tb doesn’t working anymore the tbs are always to in front   of their target.. meaning that
the victim can easily take a soft right or left and evade the incoming tropes. Saying this i use manuel but if auto
doesn’t seem to work why even include it? Solution make the line of attack on tbs more deadly, i mean these are
professional pilots they are trained to kill not miss every time only sometimes. 


  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 26. 2011 19:15

"I recently noticed that auto tb doesn’t working anymore the tbs are always to in front of their target.. meaning that
the victim can easily take a soft right or left and evade the incoming tropes."

Hi,when was the last time Auto TB worked?

  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 26. 2011 19:34

Welcome to SDE.

You have been scammed by the own game. Those professional pilots are not trained to aim.

Those professional pilots are only trained to not getting raped when flying at sea level.

That means a lvl 50 TB pilots can outperform a lvl 120 tb pilots if used right.

  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 27. 2011 10:43

tb hi the db `s and mn are the best
I have a 6db 2fp and 3tb

I'm collecting credits for 1TB + fp and 2 more

This gives you 2 settings which are
GB2 and GB2 bomber full balanced seara 4fp 4TB `s` s

  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 27. 2011 17:00

haha yah true that just wish tbing would be more easier but maybe that what makes it so unique....

  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 27. 2011 19:43

tb is already pretty easy on manual... just go at sea level then press a button on your keyboard... screw auto

  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 28. 2011 09:28

it doesn't always follow that autoTBing sucks.

i myself use autoTBing, and i can confidently say that i'm way better off auto, though i know how to use manual TBing.

study how to sling your TBs, and you'll find auto more effective than manual.

  • Re : (MN CV TBS) Tbing doesn't seem to cut it anymore

    06. 29. 2011 07:34

I use the mixed auto and manual way. (Manual is too slow to descend, and full-auto is too inaccurate and easy to dodge)

If you're not aware of how to do it.
1. Make sure your TBs are grouped fairly tightly.
2. Use the "L" and "," keys to avoid AA and stay around 30-40 alt (50-60 if your TBs hate AAW).
3. When approaching the enemy BB (Remember, find ones that look like they carry little bulge), hit "L" and while holding "L," right click the enemy ship as though you were using auto. This will cause the TB to begin to dive even without being at max altitude.
4. Hit "." to release (Watch out for the delays and lags, as these can ruin an attempt to call off a run that's been ruined by good dodging).

Why I like it:
The dive is as quick as manual (Less warning).
The targeting is automatic.
As long as you drop NEAR the enemy BB and at his center, is just as hard to dodge as manual. (Middle of the ship always moves less than the ends because in NF, the ship turns around the center so imagine a lever).

Also helps to find one that is busy or isn't paying attention.