HA Infomation



  • So, whats new?

    06. 27. 2011 17:23

I've been away for a little over a month, and was just wondering what's new in the last month or so.

Clearly, that website we have been promised for that last year or so is finally here.

Any new game changes or anything? New features (yea, like that ever happens), anything to look foward to?

Ended up getting a job on a Railroad in Colorado, and had to move. Just got my internet hooked up today.


  • Re : So, whats new?

    06. 28. 2011 00:47

more like nothing big is new here, website kinda unstable, our game currency is now olives so you need to but a fix amount of olives to buy items, password is now case sensitive and you miss 2 event, vet memorial event and summer event, now your back in time for anniversary, free 30 day prem :D

  • Re : So, whats new?

    06. 28. 2011 17:26

Sweet, always ready for another event. So how the hell does this Olive thing work? Can I still buy stuff normally, or do I have to buy olives?

  • Re : So, whats new?

    06. 28. 2011 21:17

you need to buy olives to but a designated item in nf store and each item have designated amount of olives needed to purchase it

for more info

click on olive info in the side panel <-- ^^