HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • L2 Guns

    12. 15. 2011 01:27

Judging by the Guide in the forum, the guns I can use at lvl 100 have a better range than the ones I get when I reach 110.  Thats not very encouraging ={  is this true? maybe there is some other benefit Im not seeing though. any advice before I change my bo?


  • Re : L2 Guns

    12. 15. 2011 02:27

See here in UK forum about UK BB guns you see a the different ranges

  • Re : L2 Guns

    12. 15. 2011 03:34

that would be the guide that I am refering to. it makes no sense to me to level up 100-110, only to get worse gun range. I am looking for someone who has used both and can help me out.


... Hooty Who...

  • Re : L2 Guns

    12. 15. 2011 04:09

Originally Posted by AirCavalry

that would be the guide that I am refering to. it makes no sense to me to level up 100-110, only to get worse gun range. I am looking for someone who has used both and can help me out.


... Hooty Who...

DO NOT use the 110 guns..... they suck the 100 guns are excelent already with almoast h44 range and insane vs armor at max angle with he shells (able to penetrate qv's at around 38-40 degree) and nice damage + spread

  • Re : L2 Guns

    12. 15. 2011 11:08

ok. I'm not sure if they have updated any of the L2 guns so this is based on info from the past, but I think its still the same.
The lvl 100 guns have a slightly longer range than the lvl 110 but do less damage. The lvl 100 guns weigh less allowing for more armour or speed depending on which you go for (I suggest armour but only if you can fully armour it). I agree with barrel when he says DONT use the lvl 110 guns. If used properly the small range difference can make a big difference and the damage output doesnt make that much of a difference due to the massive amount of damage that the L2 does anyway.
A little note about hitting through QV armour:
Neither of these guns can without AP. You may get a couple of lucky shots but generally you will not do much. your best chance when fighting a QV would be to change to AP shells, smoke and rush but make sure you can get away if you take a bad hit from the QV (because it will definitely hurt). Or just wait for other people on your team.
