HA Infomation



  • Destroyer, rookie question

    12. 15. 2011 05:18

Why is my DD so slow? In the battles, I'm the slowest ship on the map. Is this normal? Do I need to furnish more details. I think it is something obvious that I just havent learned yet. Thanks


  • Re : Destroyer, rookie question

    12. 15. 2011 05:28

check the engine horsepower. Try putting on the one that has the highest horsepower from all available once u do that then there is nothing else to do in order to make u faster.

Also if you have full armor your dd will be slow. If you read the quides then u will notice that you should be using the minimum amount of armor for km.

Good luck

  • Re : Destroyer, rookie question

    12. 15. 2011 05:49

Check the engine before you buy. Don't just buy what's at bottom or top etc.
Most people who complain have bough the submarine engine which is slowest.
Find the destroyer engine, CL engine etc.

  • Re : Destroyer, rookie question

    12. 15. 2011 06:44

You likely have the wrong engine on your dd. It is probobly an SS engine instead of a DD one. Make sure you put on the Heavy DD engine. It will give you the best possible speed for your ship.