HA Infomation

Soviet Navy


  • I need help with speed data from sub SN SS5

    12. 15. 2011 09:47

I got a SN SS4, but i need to do some calcs over my ENGIES before I reach SS5.

Can some one upload some pictures (or just write) so I can know tons vs knots (basic speed) with...

 SN SS5 setup without sailors onboards and...
a. with full displacement (full bulge o whatever other weighted item BUT NO SAILORS)
b. take off some weight till 1 knot less
c. take off some weight till 1 knot less

Basically I need to calc "c" factor for "D" sub as in Adalbert's guide to ability, so I know how much engine ab I ll need.

For example, if basic speed with full displacement is 26 then I need reach 159 vets/584 exp for my three Engies @95 lvl to reach Over Heat Cap 40 knots.

Thanks in advance!


  • Re : I need help with speed data from sub SN SS5

    12. 15. 2011 18:55

0.52 or for the sub and 0.3 for the engine.

Ship overheat ratio alone is (1+(0.52*0.3+ratio from engineerss)) and that's VERY VERY LOW.

To give you an idea, it's about ~180 vets with 3 engines at level, and somewhere 130 vets at lvl 120.
That's a rough estimation from the test server.
That's to hit the 40 knots, but then we know how sub speedcap is broken.

  • Re : I need help with speed data from sub SN SS5

    12. 20. 2011 07:15

Originally Posted by richardphat

0.52 or for the sub and 0.3 for the engine.

Ship overheat ratio alone is (1+(0.52*0.3+ratio from engineerss)) and that's VERY VERY LOW.

To give you an idea, it's about ~180 vets with 3 engines at level, and somewhere 130 vets at lvl 120.
That's a rough estimation from the test server.
That's to hit the 40 knots, but then we know how sub speedcap is broken.

Thank you very much richard!!
(In "NF Game info" for SN engines it list Heavy Engine as 36% is this true? )

If someone want to write detailed {base knots} and sub SS5 weight for that speed is welcome!! :)