HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • Nebby Damage

    12. 26. 2011 05:04

Hi everyone,

I know that the Monty's broadside damage is ~75k per salvo (given that all shells land, opposing ship is not aw, and has 900 sd)
Does anyone know the broadside power of the Nebby? im just wondering cause Ill have mine soon. I need to know if i can still one shot bb5s 


  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 26. 2011 06:53

salvo damage of a nebby is around 55k

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 26. 2011 10:42


  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 26. 2011 13:39

Originally Posted by heatrr

Interesting set of videos. I didn't realize that the NC guns were actually that potent compared to others.

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 26. 2011 15:19

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by heatrr

Interesting set of videos. I didn't realize that the NC guns were actually that potent compared to others.

ya they pretty much have Iowa damage. too bad the fcs is terrible

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 26. 2011 15:32

Originally Posted by megabstr

ya they pretty much have Iowa damage. too bad the fcs is terrible

The FCS is unbelievable bad. I rarely play my BB so I've been on the Sodak for a while. I don't think any level of gunner will ever cause it to block shot. Been thinking about going to 14s just for kicks.

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 27. 2011 00:03

hmm actually the bad spread is because of the bb3 gunsets, not the fcs problem.

they increased the NC guns accuracy a bit during the bb3 patch so that it was playable now.
you cant expect the bb3s to have the bb4 consistent spread. Yes, at level gunners might not perform well, but both bb3s are definitely playable and competitive now

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 27. 2011 13:41

Originally Posted by Pyrofiend

Originally Posted by Lionel2

The FCS is unbelievable bad. I rarely play my BB so I've been on the Sodak for a while. I don't think any level of gunner will ever cause it to block shot. Been thinking about going to 14s just for kicks.

They never block shot. In my opinion, however, the SoDak has better spread than the NoCar. Do NOT put the 14" guns on there. If you want to do that, go back down to BB2 or grind through with the Sevastapol. I had crap gunners when I was at the SoDak and ran the Colorado all the way to Iowa.

The grind doesn't bother me at all because I don't play BB much. Today I was bored and put my Sodak crew on Guam for fun. I do think I'm going to try the 14s just to see if it increases speed. I have L108 EBVE gunners, so if at this point they can't make the guns work, nothing will.

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    12. 27. 2011 17:47

Nebby: 53-56k, able to penetrate 9" of UK deck @ angle 33-40 (Can oneshot 900 SD BB5s and sometime kaisers and below)
Montana: 64-72k, able to penetrate 9" of UK deck @ angle 39-45 (Can oneshot all ships at max range (including AW L2 (If all shells land) and AW QV if all shells land) except subs (Subs hitboxes are smaller than montana's gun spread, can only oneshot IJN SS5 @ max range with 900 SD due to size))

  • Re : Nebby Damage

    03. 04. 2012 23:23

all i will say, is the nebby and iowa have a lot in common with their playstyles.