HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • new/chosing sides

    12. 30. 2011 19:27

Recommend : 0

Hi new here so just learning. Seem like a good game a bit weird but fun.
I need to know how to pick my sides each time I try it says I have no sailor or whatever I need for that so how do I get one.
Is the the trade thing?
I also want to know what this save points and such is in the HQ. Those are my main questions but any other
help would be apreciated also thanks in advance.


  • Re : new/chosing sides

    12. 30. 2011 21:31

Hi csaaphill, welcome to NavyField.

In order to use the different nations you will need to have a Bridge Operator (captain of the ship) for the nation you want to use. To do that, you have to level your sailor to level 12, then chose a nation for him and make him a bridge operator. You will also need to create other kinds of sailors for your nation - gunners, repairer, engineers etc. Once you have a crew for a particular nation you can buy a ship for that nation - please read the various guides in the forum to learn about each nation and the ships available.

As for saving points and credits in your HQ, that's just a way to hide away points/credits, just type in how many you want to put in your HQ and click save - since you're new you won't need to worry about that yet.

  • Re : new/chosing sides

    12. 31. 2011 18:20

ok ty ill look for that