HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 29. 2011 23:39

Like in french, "Une image vaut mille mots"
Thousands of words can describe a pic!

I think if you really want to super vet or something like that, or just burn for fun, have a reason to keep playing NF, that's the time.


  • Re : Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 30. 2011 02:30

Gotta say I agree.

I normally have the absolute worst luck with vet conversions, and I went from 40 vets to 150 with 300 experts burned to do it on both my SN engineers. I stopped going on my gunners & torpers after they hit 100-120 vets from 0.

If you want to vet anything, now is definitely the time.

  • Re : Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 30. 2011 02:43

are you sure thse are vets
i think youre talking about experts

  • Re : Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 30. 2011 02:58

Agree.... my FPs went from 100-120 vets to 180 170 150 149 140 140 in one day of playing (and burning every expert between games).

The conversion rate and expert gain combined with premium is somewhat awesome right now.

Richard... how many credits you have to score to not consider a game "fail"?
My record was 15k and the usual is around 4k.

  • Re : Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 30. 2011 07:54

Sry typo, number of experts at beginning and number of experts after battles.

That being said, I got a very successfull conversion.

  • Re : Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 30. 2011 07:57

Well, I know what I'll be doing this weekend during the Independence Event. That's not as exciting once I realized it was experts and not vets.

I might still engage in some vet killing. Depends on how lucky I feel.

  • Re : Might be the perfect time to burn your accoung and start AAing.

    06. 30. 2011 09:09

how much Has the vetconversion-rate been buffed just found the "much better" announcement?