HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • torpedo bombing?

    01. 01. 2012 18:00

Recommend : 0

I need help with my torp bombers, cant get them to target a ship, when I do, I cant get them to drop torps. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Re : torpedo bombing?

    01. 01. 2012 18:24

First a word of warning...

Torpedo experience is nerfed so much it's not actually worth it... its 100% shared and you get barely a fraction of what you could get by just using regular dive bombers.

Now for using the actual torp bombers...

Make sure you loaded torps on your ship.
Fly at max altitude till tou spot a enemy ship you want to torp.
Click on it.
While your TBs dive (you need to learn when to click so they don't end ub being too close to the ship you intend to torp) press and HOLD ".".
This should release the torps the second the bombers get to sea level.


You don't have to be at max altitude to begin autobombing. All you have to do is press "L" and click on the enemy ship you want to bomb from any altitude.

  • Re : torpedo bombing?

    01. 01. 2012 22:14

Originally Posted by Falcon91


You can manual TB like a pro.

Lower your planes after you load them up in battle with the comma key.

right click ahead of the ship that you want to target

hit . to drop the torps


Yeah manual TBing is cool but you need AAW resistant bombers for that and i doubt he has those.

  • Re : torpedo bombing?

    01. 02. 2012 10:21

thx for the info, I appreciate it.

  • Re : torpedo bombing?

    01. 04. 2012 21:57

if you're using a CV1 in Blitz to start off (or hybrid Oyodo/Mogami CV for Japan), you can fairly easily get a handle on how to TB ships:

- distance to be when right clicking to attack
- which angle is best to attack at, from the side, or from in front, or front at angle.
- which ships are better targets. for example, IJN ships have the worst auto AA, and thus, make the best targets.

as you master these techniques (especially against more agile ships that will be able to turn faster to avoid torps), you add to your resume of skills with them.

-if you click to change direction at any time, your TBs will break off their attack and return back up to where they were for elevation.
-being aware of threats in and around your CV, especially if the battle is going against your team.
-how to target close in, both near yourself, or your own ships without hitting them (or yourself).
-the fun task of not only trying to TB somebody, but also watching out for bombers heading for you!.

and then you graduate into blitz, where you get to play with subs that can dive (((tip: if you're sending torpedo bombers at a sub, and it dives on you, spam the '.' key and launch your torps anyways. most likely, unless the guy is really fast and agile, you'll hit the sub anyways after it dives, and before it can crit dive. damaging him))).

around level 100 for most nations (level 70 for UK) you begin to get Auto AA immune. meaning you'll be able to torpedo against BBs and the like without taking loses other than normal AA fire.

to be honest, I find it more rewarding to be challenged by torpedo bombing (and frustrating at times), than dive bombing. who, really, only face the challenges of crappy vision range and the fact that they have to make it right over their target to hit it.