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  • EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 06:50

I got a Mikasa through the winter event but when I'm going to enter a blitz it says "Event SS user can not join 'Blitzkrieg'"
Event SS? Anyone got an explanation about what happened?


  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 06:59

All EBB1s cannot enter Blitzkrieg.

I myself got a borodino just for that (since its level 50 i thought it might be fun) only to get the same message and have the GMs reply to my ticket that, well, i was scr**d.

even though it is not written anywhere i could find, they will not reimburse or exchange the ship.

I would really suggest them to add a line in the ship tree viewer on the website here for all EBB1s under level 61 to note they cannot enter blitz.

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 07:09

same goes for the level 40 rental BB's that you get if your fleet holds a harbor they are not allowed in blitz either

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 07:20

if I'm not mistaken, any "Unique" ships are not allowed. So Prem ships are allowed, however Rentals, Event Ships, and the Turtle Ships aren't going to be able to join.

I hope this helps, even if a little bit late.


  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 07:26

Originally Posted by cambsguy

same goes for the level 40 rental BB's that you get if your fleet holds a harbor they are not allowed in blitz either

There's a massive difference between uber-buffed DP and uber powerful guns rentals and mikasa/borodino EBB1s.

I mean i can understand why a New York shouldn't be allowed in blitz with its 10 14'' (is it 14'' or 12'') guns or a dreadnought for all matter; but honestly, mikasa? borodino? (maybe danton too, i'm not sure with its weird gun setup) those have two dual turrets. their only advantage over other blitz BB1s would be more range; and with so few shells per volley, with a fairly at-level crew (thus yuck accuracy), they would not be overpowered.

EDIT: @ geek, i'm fairly sure i've seen turtleships in blitz before. Only fairly.

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 07:49

Thank you for the replies guys, much clearer now. I used to think that ships like Borodino are designed specially for blitz.

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 10:43

Originally Posted by NewIronsides

I mean i can understand why a New York shouldn't be allowed in blitz with its 10 14'' (is it 14'' or 12'') guns or a dreadnought for all matter; but honestly, mikasa? borodino? (maybe danton too, i'm not sure with its weird gun setup) those have two dual turrets. their only advantage over other blitz BB1s would be more range; and with so few shells per volley, with a fairly at-level crew (thus yuck accuracy), they would not be overpowered.

Do you think that the mikasa, danton, and borodino are not as competative with the other EBB let alone other BBs in GB just because of their armaments?

You should see what an at-level crew in one of those things can do in GB...

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 10:59

[...] [/QUOTE]

Do you think that the mikasa, danton, and borodino are not as competative with the other EBB let alone other BBs in GB just because of their armaments?

You should see what an at-level crew in one of those things can do in GB...

I fairly do know what they can do. i have one. I actually also have a Nassau. Both have full EBVE crews.

compared to many other ships, they can do more or less squat. Yes ive had good games in borodino, specially capitalising on its small size and catching opponents either unaware of me or thinking im not dangerous. Still that is not the norm. the moment a big opponent spots you as a threath, you're in deep trouble. I think i only broke a few times the 50k attack mark in an EBB1.

Thats for one, now also remember that blitz =/= GB. Its easy for a borodino to hit iowa-sized ships, even if you don't see your shells land or if your accuracy is bad. Much harder to deal with small DDs and CLs rushing you from all sides. In Blitz, BBs rely on their extreme (for the room type) firepower to destroy rapidly closing small opponents; not on reload or accuracy. In those situations, volume of fire is important.

Lets imagine the situation, that i do see quite often with non-uber, normal crews. a DDX rushes a Revenge. Revenge fires a salvo of 8 shells (more for other BB1s), 2 shells hit (if the shots are accurately aimed, of course wich is rarely the case in blitz) for 2000-2500 damage each. DD is critically damaged, no speed, well, he's pretty much out of action since he wont catch up anymore on the revenge.
Now make the same with a borodino; but when it fires he shoots 4 shells only; lets be lucky and say one actually hits the DD. for 1300-1500 damage. Not really the same eh?

I do not pretend that borodino and other EBB1s are useless at all. but many of them could very well be included in blitz without debalancing everything.

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 18:04

Originally Posted by NewIronsides

I fairly do know what they can do. i have one. I actually also have a Nassau. Both have full EBVE crews.

compared to many other ships, they can do more or less squat. Yes ive had good games in borodino, specially capitalising on its small size and catching opponents either unaware of me or thinking im not dangerous. Still that is not the norm. the moment a big opponent spots you as a threath, you're in deep trouble. I think i only broke a few times the 50k attack mark in an EBB1.

Thats for one, now also remember that blitz =/= GB. Its easy for a borodino to hit iowa-sized ships, even if you don't see your shells land or if your accuracy is bad. Much harder to deal with small DDs and CLs rushing you from all sides. In Blitz, BBs rely on their extreme (for the room type) firepower to destroy rapidly closing small opponents; not on reload or accuracy. In those situations, volume of fire is important.

Lets imagine the situation, that i do see quite often with non-uber, normal crews. a DDX rushes a Revenge. Revenge fires a salvo of 8 shells (more for other BB1s), 2 shells hit (if the shots are accurately aimed, of course wich is rarely the case in blitz) for 2000-2500 damage each. DD is critically damaged, no speed, well, he's pretty much out of action since he wont catch up anymore on the revenge.
Now make the same with a borodino; but when it fires he shoots 4 shells only; lets be lucky and say one actually hits the DD. for 1300-1500 damage. Not really the same eh?

I do not pretend that borodino and other EBB1s are useless at all. but many of them could very well be included in blitz without debalancing everything.

True what you are saying, but think about it this way. If the Revenge didn't manage to hit the DD, it could have fired torpedoes. At such a close range, many torpedoes would hit, severely damaging the BB. But, small ships such as the Danto and Borodino could easily dodge the torpedoes, and only 1 might manage to hit. Also, these small EBBs are much harder to hit from the air by DBs and TBs than big fat BB1s such as Renown, Scharnhorst etc.

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 12. 2012 19:12

Originally Posted by NewIronsides
EDIT: @ geek, i'm fairly sure i've seen turtleships in blitz before. Only fairly.

Correct. You can bring a turtle into Blitz as an Escort ship, but you cannot bring it in if you're driving it yourself.

The other nice "oops" with the Turtle ship... when it's an escort ship, it's guns ignore their firing arcs. So if you're driving it, you have an 8 gun broadside in a 60 degree arc, but as an escort it has 16 guns firing at 360 degrees. Poorly. =)

  • Re : EBB1 cannot join Blitz?

    01. 14. 2012 20:10

BBs and Cvs shouldn't be in blitz anyways, Idk what your crying about that makes and points or sense.

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