HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • 2 BOs

    01. 16. 2012 14:51

Recommend : 0

ive been looking around in the forums and in guides and a lot of people recomend that when ure starting a bb crew that u should make 2 BOs so that ur gunners are ahead in levels and ive been doing that but now i have one question...
should i pick the same line in the ship tree with both or should i pick different just so i can get all the ships?
if i pick different ships then id have to switch my crew back and forth to lvl both BOs and i might also not like one of those ships but id have to use it to lvl my BO anyways... 
so what would u recommend?


  • Re : 2 BOs

    01. 16. 2012 17:02

i recommend you use both lines

  • Re : 2 BOs

    01. 19. 2012 22:19

or you can do bb crew and cv crew your bb crew can be your main dps and your cv crew will be support for getting the creds to buy new bb ships and sailors like repos restos and engis