HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • sonar range in CL

    01. 20. 2012 13:55

Recommend : 0

whats affect sonar range in cl...

i got a sonar man on board my reynaud cause i am leveling my ss crew in this...

my problem is my sonar range... i can spot sub very close range around 1 1/2 ship of my size and sometimes
it took many second to spot and im not in OH


  • Re : sonar range in CL

    01. 20. 2012 14:13

Ship sonar is somewhat limited.
Also keep in mind as you mentioned, the OH. Not only can you not be in overheat, your engine must fully
recover it's OH gauge in order for you to start detecting subs again.
Example: If you have a high level engineer and zoom around for a minute, you must then wait another
minute until your engines have recovered so essentially you have no sonar for 2 minutes.