HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • AP Rounds?

    01. 22. 2012 18:08

Recommend : 0

When should ap rounds be used, whenever i use them, they seem to cause less damage.


  • Re : AP Rounds?

    01. 22. 2012 19:09

AP rounds should only be used against AW ships (one that carry a lot of armour... usually RN but select few ships of other nations also ca AW).

Basically when you see a RN ship with 2 guns going less than 37 knts use AP because HE will bounce off.

However be aware of the armor impunity zone (where neither AP nor HE can damage the AW ship) at this point you have to either counterrush him to get belt shots or get away from the impunity zone.
I think the zone starts at 30 deg and less tho i can't say i'm sure.

Also high angle guns (Mostly IJN and SN) can punch through armour with HE shells when fired at 43-45 deg.

Oh and know that not all 2 gun RN ships are AW... some remove the rear guns to go faster and AP is redundant.

  • Re : AP Rounds?

    01. 23. 2012 16:23

thx for the info.