HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 11:08


So when does it start?

There is no way what we are getting now is 200%.


  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 11:31


Oddly enough, double XP events in the past have been closer to 250% or greater.

This one actually seems very close to 200%.  It's definitely on.

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 11:33


there are guys getting 100k exp+ on a silver account
so looks to me its on

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 11:36

there must be a problem with it  ,im glad to see its not just me not getting it ,
the higher the attack the less xp you get,the less attack you get the more xp,this is a joke

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 11:39


it appears to be quite random, for example...

I did 200k + attack and won for my first game and got 89k exp!!!

another game I did not much more than 60k lost yet got 90k+ exp go figure

Just did 160k attack, won and got 132k exp!!

*just doesn't seem right, most games I played last week I was hitting 100k exp a game now with a 200% exp event I getting less than that?

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 12:09


Originally Posted by alexstevens

it appears to be quite random, for example...

I did 200k + attack and won for my first game and got 89k exp!!!

another game I did not much more than 60k lost yet got 90k+ exp go figure

Just did 160k attack, won and got 132k exp!!

*just doesn't seem right, most games I played last week I was hitting 100k exp a game now with a 200% exp event I getting less than that?

Do your self a favor

and turn off this forum

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 18:32


Thank you for the busy server

But am starting to see the freeze frame lag and many disconects again

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 18:44


Originally Posted by captaincvfd

Thank you for the busy server

But am starting to see the freeze frame lag and many disconects again

me too mate alot of lag, and crashes

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 18:49


Id love to play, but the game keeps freezing up... Oh well no eCV for me....

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 19:34


Wow so your actually complaining about not getting enough bonus experience, how pathetic!

I'm not even playing in it for awhile (account sleeping and I'm a bit busy atm) anyways, I'm just glad there is more than 5 rooms going at one time on Kaiser.


Also should never be mad for not getting enough bonus exp. They only gave 10% bonus exp for celebrating MLK's day. Also they rarely give out with events more than 50% bonus exp. Now 200% exp comes along and still people complain their hearts out. 

It might feel like less exp for a reasons.

1) You have less people in a room playing, and rooms are going faster -> leading to less overall shared experience.


2) Less CVs max per room -> again to less overall shared exp. Could have 2 more PCVs in the room, thats uber amounts of more exp, but that is taken away now.


3) probably more reasons: Your probably playing worse with all the crayon eaters playing cvs and coming back trying to bw to level up. Therefore your blind fighting all game.

  • Re : 200% exp event?

    03. 10. 2012 20:07


No, currently we are getting an 500% boosted lag event

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