HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 14:45


Its now just clicked in my brain what if the countless #s of Scoutless BBs that can use them arent rly Fog of War Hackers why scout when you can see the enemy anyway even if there team is completely blind but still able to shoot perfect salvos at hiden targets Im making this assumtion on a comment made when I said somtin about 5 of the BBs in my room were scoutless 2 PBBs and 3 BB3 n 4s but there rate continues to climb more and more scoutless BB3 4 5 and even seen a few BB6s its no wonder why ppl stop playing CV when half your team cant scout because of lack of having any and the ones who do lose there and the crying game against CVs begin pathetic SDE rly needs to make Scouts on scoutable BBs manditory other whats the point of playing if your team isnt helping the team but only helping the team fail 



now let the scoutless BB player comence their Flamming excluding UK Nelson RM BB1s and SN BB1


  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 17:11


With the number of people having lvl 120 scout abusing in GB, and dsync planes. You will likely be troll glitch much more than having a hacker playing against.

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 17:30


Your statement is invalid. Its easy to shoot blind, I remember killing this one player ''pro'' But he didnt say hack more like AB..because i was blind. He was driving straight and firing AA guns. But there's still Hack in the game a lot. Like when my account was hacked..the person used a rld hack. Then i saw them in game and he said, NF has alot of Hack that can be used. Finally he got banned. But its just something to live with.

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 17:47


All the CV's go north, half of them are bots, and you're worried about scoutless BB's who can't shoot even if they do have a hack?

Come on, let's prioritize here.

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 17:59


Woah Woah! Your more worried about a scoutless bb than an overpowerered Italian ship or EBB2/3 or sub getting you? What about the bomberwhore cv? What about the countless cv players that play with 1 fighter and 1 bomber and level their sub crew on their cv, they handicap their own team to level their sub crew?

Like rehor said, "Lets prioritize here".

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 18:04


all valid points but still blind shooting has always been around and succeeded true and issues withe 120 scouts yes and CVs fail all going 1 way leaving the other half of ur team CVless but im aim more towards the battles ive been in were no SS are alive not a single planes at all scouting and no signs to give away ur position but still get sunk by a completely blind team this couldnt be possible unless some one is ABing dramaticly which is still a highly prominit thing or ppl are using a Fog of War Hack either way i feel that its a very critical issue that SDE should investigate both with ABing teams and Hack program users while ABing the most difficult to prove with out evidence even tho true making scouts manditory on BBs wouldnt stop hackers from using there cheats so in this determintaion i guess all my words are mute and pointless to stress any more effort into it but to let every one to start using Hack programs to lvl the field and start calling NF hack field and post on how to use exploits so everyone can do it so besides any of that there is no way to stop / fix these issues that have been needing fixing for years beside letting NF bring back HS to drive the cheaters away and fix all the exploits


^^pointless ranting  =P

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 18:32


Punctuation Please

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 18:44


Originally Posted by Piombo

all valid points but still blind shooting has always been around and succeeded true and issues withe 120 scouts yes and CVs fail all going 1 way leaving the other half of ur team CVless but im aim more towards the battles ive been in were no SS are alive not a single planes at all scouting and no signs to give away ur position but still get sunk by a completely blind team this couldnt be possible unless some one is ABing dramaticly which is still a highly prominit thing or ppl are using a Fog of War Hack either way i feel that its a very critical issue that SDE should investigate both with ABing teams and Hack program users while ABing the most difficult to prove with out evidence even tho true making scouts manditory on BBs wouldnt stop hackers from using there cheats so in this determintaion i guess all my words are mute and pointless to stress any more effort into it but to let every one to start using Hack programs to lvl the field and start calling NF hack field and post on how to use exploits so everyone can do it so besides any of that there is no way to stop / fix these issues that have been needing fixing for years beside letting NF bring back HS to drive the cheaters away and fix all the exploits


^^pointless ranting  =P

ABING and ghosting are two different things. I think you mean ghosting. ABING is where you know from before you play that you are going to win the battle, ghosting is telling opposition movements through a program like vent etc.

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 19:32


You know how many games I've rushed at the start, turned and fired before getting sight, and have one shot a ship right of the bat?


Countless Times.


How many times I've seen a muzzle flash, aimed down from it and one shot something?


Countless Times.



Not everyone is a "hacker" the trick is finding them. Too bad we can't turn players around anymore. It made it much easier to find bots when you could turn your team slightly up or down and watch the bot go straigh at an angle instead of straight out.

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 27. 2012 22:46


Originally Posted by mako089

Punctuation Please

I thought I was the only one who noticed.

  • Re : Scoutless scoutable BBs are they Hackers ?

    03. 28. 2012 01:51


Why do people still think its a CV's job to scout for them, hell BB players kill off more CV drivers by there rants, dont want to scout SCOUT YOUR SELF, also as a BB player if you see the mussle flash of big guns you can aim where it was and guestimate where your enemy is. It's not hard and ofen I hit the enemy ship, not hacks just being ovservent and knowing when and where to shoot.



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