HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Insert constructive dialogue/criticism here

    05. 01. 2012 04:45


I've been playing NF (in a moderate manner) since 4 months after it was released officially. Most of you don't know me since I was never a bigshot player.

I last played NF in 2011 in april and decided to give it a shot since I didn't have anything else to play (I have a slow computer).

I'm writing this in a serious and mature way and I don't intend to be disrespectful to anyone.

While there may be some new content added to the game and some minor improvements (map grid) I honestly feel that this game is pretty much (no offence) going down the drain.

I barely saw people that were around since beta, and so so many foreigners that make communication and teamplay so hard due to the fact that they didn't even speak english.

I honestly really like this game and I'm sure many of you do too, but I just wanted to know whether I'm the only one who thinks this, and if not what can we do about it ?

Unfortunately all my crews are stuck on a friend's account and the GMs couldn't do a thing about it (really?) but I did roll a quick RM future BB crew and it's been pretty fun for now. Currently at CL level.

But anyway, are you all enjoying this overall, cuz I kinda am not... Where exactly is this game going ? Is it a good direction or a bad one ?

I'm expecting heavy flaming since NF forums were always pretty hardcore but I can cope with that. :)

In case you consider this a waste of time here's a "random" picture:


  • Re : Random ranting ?

    05. 01. 2012 06:22


1- I did see you before when there was only one all welcomes, DD , DD FF CL rooms.

2- The main issues are the bugs, often crashes. crashing 2 or 3 times in a row can make people annoyed. ( specially HA, where alot of people crashes at Harbor tile )

3- Having your crew in a friends accounts, its basically a bad idea, you should know that. Specially if you dont have solid proofs that shows that are yours, like a writting agreement but im not sure if that still doesnt work. Plus im not sure if the no sharing account policy still apply in this case.

4- I do enjoy the game most of the time, except the bug and crashing time as mentioned in number 2.

  • Re : Random ranting ?

    05. 01. 2012 12:19


Perhaps you are sick of only having one life in this deathmatch game as I am.

  • Re : Random ranting ?

    05. 01. 2012 12:27


Youve spoken the minds of many here.

  • Re : Random ranting ?

    05. 01. 2012 12:30


Doesn't seem too much like a rant so this thread can stay open as a productive/constructive dialogue between players. 

 Normal forum rules still applies. 

  • Re : Random ranting ?

    05. 01. 2012 14:15


I have been playing on and off since Beta. I came back 3 months ago and grinded out my CV crew to the new T4s then got bored. I have no ambition to play another 500-600+ games to get the SCV.

Italy was then released, Got to BB5 now I'm bored again. I would get to SBB but I don't have the time to play competetivly. I have a life sadly that doesn't fit in well with Fleets that do HAs/FWs. I'm also not a completionist. I'm fine with having US/RN/RM/MM BB5s and Lexy/Arromanche.

I feel like the devs just don't care about this game anymore. If they did we would have a stable client that doesn't crash 1/4 games (currently 1/2 after reformat). If I put money into a game weather its F2P or P2P there is a certain expectation by the customer. That is a service that works and support that actually supports.

Right now we have neither. If you put in a ticket for any kind of client issue you get the same generic fix message every time. If you complain nothing happens. If you rant nothing happens. If its a problem nothing happens.

Generally nothing happens, this game hasn't changed drasticly over the years I have played except for the steady skill level decline. It's a sad day when I can hop on a boat after not playing nf for a month and rack up 390k...

Yes content has been added, but things that have been broken for years are still broken. When the devs don't know their own game engine you know you are in trouble.

I suspect the founding NF team that developed the game have long since moved on and the current employees have almost no idea wtf is going on. Half of these fixes could have been done 2 years ago.

I'll just keep playing france when I jump on from time to time. Nothing like running 45knts with 13 k10 shells ripping bb4/5/6s faces off.

  • Re : Random ranting ?

    05. 01. 2012 23:33


I'll agree that many of the bugs this game has should have been fixed like since 1-2 years max after it's release. I've only gotten crashes so far but I kinda can cope with that it would be just 1 or 2 a day.

The fact that grinding is easier nowadays did get a lot of people BBs faster and easier and I guess that affects the gameplay. 70% of the games I've been into it would just be 1 team TOTALLY dominating the other one. I'm in a CL2 so I can't do much...

And yes this was meant as a constructive dialogue between players and such. Just getting people's oppinions.

I wouldn't have started this thread if I didn't really care about the game. ;)