HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 17:41


I just came back from a month's vacation from nf, I look at the patch notes, and lo and behold, there hasn't been any balance changes in the last 2 months.



  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 18:09


you are  surprisee lol its sde NF

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 18:12


I see you haven't changed after your forced 1 month away from the forums.

Proposals have been sent off, but we haven't heard back from SDE 

Edit:- Feel free to help out yourself, remember that the test team are volunteers. I've never seen you at a test and you only talk about the test team when you want to flame and cause drama. 

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 18:26


Originally Posted by ljsevern

I see you haven't changed after your forced 1 month away from the forums.

Proposals have been sent off, but we haven't heard back from SDE 

Edit:- Feel free to help out yourself, remember that the test team are volunteers. I've never seen you at a test and you only talk about the test team when you want to flame and cause drama. 

Yes I got banned for inquiring as to the use of a test team that does nothing.

So what has the test team done in the last 2-3 months that changed the game?

Balanced subs? No.

Balanced RM? No.

Balanced SN? No.

Please explain, the balance problems have clearly plagued the game and responses to problems that should have been put in place months ago haven't been.

This is one reason why NF is dying.

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 18:44


Originally Posted by Eradicator1

Originally Posted by ljsevern

I see you haven't changed after your forced 1 month away from the forums.

Proposals have been sent off, but we haven't heard back from SDE 

Edit:- Feel free to help out yourself, remember that the test team are volunteers. I've never seen you at a test and you only talk about the test team when you want to flame and cause drama. 

Yes I got banned for inquiring as to the use of a test team that does nothing.



Originally Posted by  Eradicator1

So what has the test team done in the last 2-3 months that changed the game?


Balanced subs? No.

Balanced RM? No.

Balanced SN? No.

Please explain, the balance problems have clearly plagued the game and responses to problems that should have been put in place months ago haven't been.

This is one reason why NF is dying.

What have you done in the last 3 months to change the game?

The test team has done more than you, and unless you are willing to start paying people to give up their RL's and to devote the majority of time, then things will get done when they are done.

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 18:51


The test team has no power if SDE doesn't want to patch the changes.



They've done plenty of test during your well deserved vacation.

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 20:05


Sooner or later I am going to strike you from the Canadian Players map.

Why do you assume that fixes, balancing or anything else in this game isn't done by the will of SDE? Any and all proposals can be sent but a certain amount of cooperation must exist between SDE and the testing volunteers.

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 20:17


What test team? Lukas' ONF test team or the closed testing team TNF/SDE had going last year?

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 08. 2012 22:42


The test team can only test stuff, the test team can not change stuff.

And as long as SDE does not change stuff, there is nothing for the test team to test.

SDE is to blame for not changing what the test team requests to be changed.

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 09. 2012 03:48


Originally Posted by Eradicator1

Originally Posted by ljsevern

I see you haven't changed after your forced 1 month away from the forums.

Proposals have been sent off, but we haven't heard back from SDE 

Edit:- Feel free to help out yourself, remember that the test team are volunteers. I've never seen you at a test and you only talk about the test team when you want to flame and cause drama. 

Yes I got banned for inquiring as to the use of a test team that does nothing.

So what has the test team done in the last 2-3 months that changed the game?

Balanced subs? No.

Balanced RM? No.

Balanced SN? No.

Please explain, the balance problems have clearly plagued the game and responses to problems that should have been put in place months ago haven't been.

This is one reason why NF is dying.

Sorry, but this is one of the stupidest posts i ever read on this board!
You are blaming peoples who spend theirs time for this game and its community as volunteers??
Did you ever spend a thought about the fact, that this game would be much more broken as it still is, without their help and doing???
You directed your post to the wrong direction, Mr. !!!
Join the Test-Team instead of blaming them!!

  • Re : Does the test team even do anything?

    05. 09. 2012 05:19


Most of us mentioned possible SN and RM balance issues weeks before they were put on the server. What should we do if SDE decides that it doesn't matter and the content should go live anyway?

Hell, go back to ships before that...Two seconds after playing MN on the test server and you could see the issues. I made a post the day after it was available and said the Alsace needed more ammo, a spread fix, a DP buff, and probably a speed alteration. It only took two dozen people saying the same thing and 10 months for it to be fixed.

The H44 guns have been broken years? And you're complaining about nation imbals that are 4 months old?

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