HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Soft Defence

    05. 15. 2012 07:25


What should be soft defence of bb's at each tier? I ma not asking specific values but general  range for a non boosted crew(+11). i do understand it varies from nation to nation with UK having better values than others. 

I am asking this because i just got Yammato and found playing it very tough. When i went through the forumns 900 SD is a must it said to play well. Now its around 500 SD for me.


  • Re : Soft Defence

    05. 15. 2012 07:51


If you don't have 900 SD at BB4 level, you really need to look into ways to fix that. BVE your crew, and you should reach 900 with no problem. As for the SD at each tier, it really depends. You pointed out that each nation will have different amounts, which is  true. Also, a +11 crew ( being +11 in the stat that a certain sailor type is ) doesn't affect your SD. The Restore stat of each sailor is most likely going to be different, and restore is the stat that directly effects yours Soft Defense. Boosting, Vetting, and Experting your crew will add to the actual ability of each stat, including restore. You should also make sure that all of your support crew is close to, if not higher, level than your Operator. I also want to point out that BVE-ing your crew will make a world of difference, not only in Soft Defense. You will Overheat longer, repair faster, have better accuracy & reload, and have a better chance of surviving. Even if you don't have real $$ to spend on the game, it is fairly easy to obtain credits and buy sailors that are already BVE.