HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Waiting Period Recap

    05. 30. 2012 17:47



In response to the link above that was locked, there is no reason to put in a support ticket for a question that is not in any rule.  If NF wants to say its a rule then add it in or a GM cannot ban anyone for doing it.  However my question was not in regards to entering HA, the question was about leaving a self made squadron of one member, myself, and entering an organized fleet to further enjoy the game with commaraderie, it was not about fleet jumping.  I can see now that there is no waiting period in writing that says I cannot do so immediately.


And poage the moderator your link does not reference my question but thanks for trying.


  • Re : Waiting Period Recap

    05. 30. 2012 17:59


Its game mechanics... You've already been told if you send in a ticket you may be able to have your penalty locked.


I wonder if it says in the rule that you cannot bring a unique ship into a blitz room. Try using a turtle ship, ebb, or rental and see if it will let you enter.


And actually iirc the penalty is only 7 days now.

  • Re : Waiting Period Recap

    05. 30. 2012 18:29


That is just it, there is no rule.  No need for me to send in anything for game mechanics as I completely understand every game has things you can or cannot do.  There is no complaint on my end as game mechanics have nothing to do with my question. 


As for your opening this up to a wider question on game mechanics with certain ships in specific rooms its just the way the game is made.  Such as some types of games you cannot enter with DC or HH equipped.

  • Re : Waiting Period Recap

    05. 30. 2012 18:41


no his question was legitimate i think. he was just asking a simple question. There was no reason to blast him for asking. i dont understand why now days it is "cool" to make people feel bad or be a "troll"?  Maybe im just old.  I think there was a nicer way to respond to this question.. especially from mods.....?

  • Re : Waiting Period Recap

    05. 30. 2012 19:00


Originally Posted by hardkill

That is just it, there is no rule.  No need for me to send in anything for game mechanics as I completely understand every game has things you can or cannot do.  There is no complaint on my end as game mechanics have nothing to do with my question. 

They do not have to make a rule. They arent required to. The game wont allow you to do it so there is no need for a rule, because it is impossible. Unless you hacked it to allow you to join a fleet in less time than the penalty, in which case there is a rule written to disallow hacking.   You decided to make a squad, thats your choice. There are consequences for that when you decide to leave it though, and you are facing those consequences now. It is not SDEs fault, it is yours.

And another reason they dont have to write a rule: Its their game, they can do whatever the hell they want.

  • Re : Waiting Period Recap

    05. 30. 2012 21:51


Well we will see if its mechanics or what as I will try it out and let you all know what happens.

  • Re : Waiting Period Recap

    05. 31. 2012 02:12


They do not have to make a rule. They arent required to. The game wont allow you to do it so there is no need for a rule, because it is impossible. Unless you hacked it to allow you to join a fleet in less time than the penalty, in which case there is a rule written to disallow hacking.   You decided to make a squad, thats your choice. There are consequences for that when you decide to leave it though, and you are facing those consequences now. It is not SDEs fault, it is yours.


I will raise the BS flag, its definitely not game mechanics, a player can drop their squadron tag and join a fleet right away and they dont have to be a hacker, its built into the game to do so.  So the other point I brought up that it should be a written rule still stands otherwise players do not know because players such as the one quoted above dont know what they are talking about.  I dropped my squad tag and joined a fleet in a couple minutes.  Now I am enjoying the game more.