HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Save Navy Field

    11. 19. 2014 20:42


When I went to battle tonight there was only 3 Great Battle and 0 Blitz rooms active.  Somethng has to change.  I think the biggest proiblem is battle rooms are  too often too one sided.  I am not sure how the computer is dividing the teams, but it is not working.  I think if the divison  was based on the win, lose percentage of the BB's and CV's the teams would be more even.  Sometimes I am the highest ranked player on my team, even though I have lost many more games then I have won.  The player with the best won, lost record should be the highest ranked player on the team.    Even though I am not a very good player, I love the game and enjoy playing.   I hope the game can be saved. 


  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 19. 2014 22:00


this happen a long time ago why i say that before i enter this game there was 4 servers and most of them are the same with 3rooms around 20;00===02;00 before WAW released there are more players playing to get there bb6 because its the longgest time to reach and most of the player now stop playing @ lvl 100 and wait for the 200% exp to lvl to 120 which is easy grind to 120 in WAW

this are all my ideas why we are decreasing

WAW mode =decrease the number of bb5s playing in GB

HA heavy lag/delayed =decrease the number of players playing HA means why bother play if its unplayable

players got old =decrease most of the old players specialy when having a rough time in real life but most of this players only play HA and events with big exp

LOW exp for new players =decrease the number of new players

LOW lvl biggener players are not getting accepted to any huge fleet to incurage them to get a bb6 at the same time have fun what its like to be in HA =making this new people leave the game

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 02:34



Nearly non-existent tutorial = newbies learn the hard way, get frustrated, quit 

Lack of promotion of tiered game modes (for example, Skirmish would be a great way to segregate BB1-3 from BB4-6) = No BK 90% of the time, newbies have to go into GB and get killed almost every battle - more frustration

Low after-battle credit/point rewards = newbies get stuck at CL/CA, lose patience, quit

Lack of balance between ship classes (new DDs and CLs are more or less encouraged to play gunnery first, while it makes for fun in BK, it's useless in GB) = newbies try to rush to BB/CV, find out the learning curve goes way up, get frustrated, quit

I think some of these issues could be remedied with our efforts on the following:

-More national ship guides - could really do with a community guide on each nation, it'd help the newbies AND the veterans. The existing guides could do with an update too.
-Moneymaking guides - this one's a no-brainer, it would really help new players get on their feet.
-Early-game guides - for ship/sailor classing tips that most have to trawl the forums for. Right now all I'm seeing is a mash of opinions on classing that doesn't really help the new player.
-Strategy guides - this one's optional, but I think it would help a bit if the new players knew what they can/can't do in each game mode.

This might seem a lot to ask of a frail, dying community, but the way I see it it's the only way forward. Especially if all of us want this game to keep going.


  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 05:13


wow thats a long post whats the point of your long post? to lvl fast? do you want me to tell you how to lvl fast from 1 to 70?


  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 05:19


I have been playing blitz a lot lately and the de syncs in there have been occuring at an alarming rate which also throws new players for a loop, confusing them and disheartening them to see why this game doesn't work the way it should.

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 07:29


i think you guys are way over thinking this you have to take in to account time differences and the fact that people work or have school which also during the week puts a damper on alot of the people playing my self i get a couple hours a night and then time on the weekend . because if ya look when the events are going this server is packed at times ya almost cant click a room fast enough to get in . and with winter here now alot of people cant do much outside so there will be a slight increase in rooms being played . and ya the tutorial would be nice to have an update and be more user friendly those things will be further down the line .

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 08:26


fix the crash and desync will help. Now, every longer battle  has desync, every one out of three battles will crash. This is not playable...

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 11:15


there is only one cause to the decline of NF. just one. 

Shared EXP.

the fact that skill no longer matters as the supreme agent in progression of the game is what killed the drive for this game. it would not matter how much xp you get if you had to earn all of it legitimately

when  started playing back in 2006, there were not a single sared xp system in place. consequently, the average skill was much higher, and there were MANY more game modes becase users created their own (Normal rooms for the less informed) there were BB1-3, DD/CL, CL/CA, BB1-2, BB3-4, FF Wars, FF/DD, and the like. it was a beautiful thing.

so shared xp through forced game mode rooms destroyed the game

but keep complanging of the high xp, as if that was the main problem

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 12:09


Originally Posted by Dinhinator

there is only one cause to the decline of NF. just one. 

Shared EXP.

the fact that skill no longer matters as the supreme agent in progression of the game is what killed the drive for this game. it would not matter how much xp you get if you had to earn all of it legitimately

when  started playing back in 2006, there were not a single sared xp system in place. consequently, the average skill was much higher, and there were MANY more game modes becase users created their own (Normal rooms for the less informed) there were BB1-3, DD/CL, CL/CA, BB1-2, BB3-4, FF Wars, FF/DD, and the like. it was a beautiful thing.

so shared xp through forced game mode rooms destroyed the game

but keep complanging of the high xp, as if that was the main problem

Wow just wow you dont like other players to play this game do  you.

Its not and i repeat NOT "Shared EXP." that is driving this game under it is the lack of SDE to fix this broken game.

Who wants to play when you 80% of the time after getting a great game you crash befor the match is over.
Who wants to play when 25% of the time at least 3 dsyncs in your match and 100% of the time there is at least 1 dsync player.

So again i say you are wrong on the "Shared EXP." and you know it to.

I want to play this game but the crashes and dsync keep me from doing it outside of HA/HD.

ADD: To SDE screw NF2 for i and most NF players will not play it.

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 12:10


Fixing the connection would be nice.


3 games tonight. 20% BB/CV crash at start. Then lag/lagspikes and 3 lost games. Fun? Na...


But hey, I still like the game^^

  • Re : Save Navy Field

    11. 20. 2014 14:38


Originally Posted by locefer

wow thats a long post whats the point of your long post? to lvl fast? do you want me to tell you how to lvl fast from 1 to 70?


The problem is dealing with the top-heavy nature of how NF works. I'm just pushing for some more unofficial support for the new players. After all, we can only keep so many veterans on board...

It's also about what we can do to help, instead of waiting for the NF team to implement something that we may never see or want. Like many others, I don't want to see this game shut down purely because there are no new players.

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