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General Discussion


  • Bomber War (08/08/12)(Nebraska)

    08. 06. 2012 16:01


Since its been 1.5 years since I last hosted some crazy room setup...

Bomber War!

When: Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Time: 7 PM EST, 4 PM PST (1600 server time) (Use Hamburg HA Chart (Prep Time) for reference of time)
Where: Nebraska Battle Area 12 (If someone wants to host one on Kaiser as well, go ahead :D)
Room Information:
Room Title: Nebraska Bomber War
Room Host: normpearii

Setup: Ships will be balanced based off Tier followed by nation I.E. Bravo can't have 6 Libertes and Alpha 6 UK Midways, it would be 3 of both on each side.
PCVs will be balanced as CV5.5s
ECVs will be balanced as CV3.5s
We will start at the first balanced number of ships after its deemed its unlikely more players will enter. (Or 64 players, since I'm aware not everyone has 6 core processors and AMD 7000 series or Nvidia 600 series graphics cards with 30 meg connections.)

No Fighters
Only Scouts, Torpedo Bombers (All) and Dive Bombers (All).
No Smoke
No R or T slot weapons. (Guns, HHs, PHH, Torpedo Tubes)
CVs Only. (Hybrids allowed with no R or T slot weapons)

Weapons: Only Mines, Torpedos (Planes only) and Dive Bombs (and if your crazy, Star Shells)

Allowed Methods of attack 
Anything involving ordinance from a plane. 


You will be kicked from the room 10 seconds after I close it if you are in violation of any of the above. I will not kick you before hand (As its pointless kicking people repeatively), I will however give you a warning when I notice you and allow you to return if you ask to wait.


Simple, we need a change of pace.

We will run two rooms for those that crash in the first one (Cause I know it will happen...) to have a chance. 

I'd normally give out credit prizes, but I'm flat broke atm XD, Maybe if TNF wants to chip in... 




  • Re : Bomber War (08/08/12)(Nebraska)

    08. 08. 2012 15:37


Room will be up in 13 minutes XD

  • Re : Bomber War (08/08/12)(Nebraska)

    08. 08. 2012 17:26


was a nice room and good idea.


Nice to be able to use bombers without some incompetant noob BB telling me how i ruined their life, caused their partner to leave them. made them loose their job and made their hair fall out cos i didnt scout for them :)


My manual TB's scored three kills :)


more bomber rooms please :)

  • Re : Bomber War (08/08/12)(Nebraska)

    08. 08. 2012 17:36


So as of now, both battles ended.

Future events I hope to:
get prizes

greater notice time. (37 different players with only 2 days notice and 3 Server messages) 

Better rules, more player input for future player planned events the T5 scouts did become an issue. I am happy no one uses smoke bombs, its glad to see some people can still follow

Get more than one player running the show. As you all saw, balacing these rooms is very hard and takes multiple players input to get it more balanced. I apologize that my balancing wasn't as good as in the past (Its been awhile since I've balanced a normal room) I personally tried balancing the ships by tier, nation then their bomber ranking in performance. It worked somewhat, but didn't account for the players that are not as skilled bombers as others.

Planned for now, if I make more battles like this, I will make threads beforehand to discuss rules. 2 days was not enough time to finalize the rules properly and test them out. It is noted that highly b/v/ed scouts can be as powerful as T2 fighters. Of course T5 scouts performed like T3.5 fighters. However all the planes killed were at default height (So players could have avoided most of the killed planes) I can promise any future game types like this will get a serious week long discussion on rules before hand.

The time I hosted the rooms was also a mistake, thats more along the lines of my crazy work schedule. RL > NF :/

 Key notes:
Rule discussions needed 1 week in advance
1 week notice before hand with rules final
T5 scouts = no, just plan
Server messages by moderators (Thanks bbr!) are very powerful for events.
No Smoke really changes up play styles.
Scouts are needed for sight across the map, however tier limitations are needed for T5 and high level T3/T4 with high vets.

Noted for the future:
Expect some kind of BB battle in the future. (Waiting on both August patches + 1 week before hand before anything gets planned)

Also expect another Bomber War this month, with more refined rules and hopefully prizes.  (Probably 2.5 weeks from now)

  • Re : Bomber War (08/08/12)(Nebraska)

    08. 08. 2012 19:27


Good stuff,hope to see more of these kind's of room's.

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