HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • ok let me put this another way again

    10. 02. 2012 15:51


has anyone gotten any plans from SDE on how to solve the current kaiser issue?

lets leave server merge out of this, thats taboo

has anyone seen anything discussed?

has anyone spoken to any GMs that have told you what they are planning?

i have to ask this because its seems that all we say is "server merge"

so lets sway away from that for the moment and see if the community can get some real answers

ok GMs the questons are asked

ill await your answers or a lock either way will tell all 


  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 00:29


This game is way better than NF2 from the the looks of its graphics its like a trying hard version of NF,if the money used to create NF2 was used to promote NF maybe it would be much better.I hope SDE can emulate what the creators of * are doing.They already have a very good game and fanbase but they are still doing aggressive marketing,posting ads on Facebook etc...that kind of stuff.

SDE FIRST! make ways so that old players doesn't leave and the then do simple things to attract new players...

You don't always have to go 3D to make a good game being one of a kind makes it a GREAT game....

*Edit: Removed game name - Ny* 

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 01:15


put all the active acc to nebby and all the inactive to kaiser

there is a ton of players that do not play on both servers

so who ever dos not play in like say 3 months is inactive and go to kaiser.this needs to be done by the GM's and all the active can play on nebby

so the kaiser server becomes a storage server for acc of peolpe that don't play

if one of those persons starts to play again they send a suportticket asking for there acc to be put back into the nebby server

this is probaly not gona happen do to the large amount of work for the GM's but its one ideaa

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 02:18


Originally Posted by TheScarecrow

of course there is the issue of me having almost a sailors cap worth of sailors on Kaiser and my russian crew on nebraska would push me over the limit soooo how the devs would try to work around that i dont really know ^_^

there are HQ extensions available...

merging servers has been done before, without too much aftermath

in the meantime, we need to retain our newer players on K, for instance by opening blitz rooms even if we  dont personnally need them


  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 03:04


let me just say id be happy to have a full server that only during events had a little issue logging into

hell back in the good ole days that was the norm, nothing new here

so really to me, server cap isnt as big as a deal that it being made out to be, ppl log on and log off the server every min, ppl will get on, they will have to close afk hosted trade rooms and afk rooms, still no big deal

there are more excuses on how not to fix this issue then plans for a fix, which at this state I havent seen any 

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 03:17


Originally Posted by ozzy0

put all the active acc to nebby and all the inactive to kaiser

there is a ton of players that do not play on both servers

so who ever dos not play in like say 3 months is inactive and go to kaiser.this needs to be done by the GM's and all the active can play on nebby

so the kaiser server becomes a storage server for acc of peolpe that don't play

if one of those persons starts to play again they send a suportticket asking for there acc to be put back into the nebby server

this is probaly not gona happen do to the large amount of work for the GM's but its one ideaa

The issue apparently is the cap of accounts that are logged in. This cap is 800 according to some people.

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 03:18


Originally Posted by devildog8

let me just say id be happy to have a full server that only during events had a little issue logging into

hell back in the good ole days that was the norm, nothing new here

so really to me, server cap isnt as big as a deal that it being made out to be, ppl log on and log off the server every min, ppl will get on, they will have to close afk hosted trade rooms and afk rooms, still no big deal

there are more excuses on how not to fix this issue then plans for a fix, which at this state I havent seen any 

Exactly. They could always say prem subscription holders have priority when logging in during events/full server capacity.

Or they could actually learn to fix the MySQL 800 player limit. 

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 03:34


well ljsevern, sign this date on calendar, i agree with you!

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 03:48


The only thing that will accomplish the most gain for the least amount of effort is to BOYCOTT.

Let's pick a day. 

Stop talking about something we can't control and decide on something we can control and we can control the day and the length of a boycott.

So first we pick a day and then we decide how long not to play.


If enough of us agree even the ones that don't will not be able to get a game going becuse the rest of us will be doing something else for the day. 

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 03:54


Stop your bloody whining and jump ship to Nebraska so I can farm some of your 'top players'.

  • Re : ok let me put this another way again

    10. 03. 2012 04:46


Originally Posted by Sindher

Stop your bloody whining and jump ship to Nebraska so I can farm some of your 'top players'.

if you are so good why farm dd and ff? let us have our bbs, at least u get some exp!

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