HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • Lion Structural Strenght

    10. 30. 2012 11:02


I just got an L1 but i found that it has only 85 defence power (structural strenght) that is way lower even than most BB2s...
i tryed a 3 gun setup but i really can't get in range, other bb4s+ can easily cripple me. Vanguard that have a full bb4 range has 113 o.O
is the 2 gun setup (AW/SW) the only viable??? Why this BB4 have only 85???


  • Re : Lion Structural Strenght

    11. 01. 2012 03:18


After some battles i still can't get used to a 3 guns setup ._.
with 2 guns either AW or SW it's really really easy to go aver 100k attack, and on the back i put an HH that saved me lots of times xD
Maybe the problem is that i try to linefight with 3 guns, i played only km ships since we had to pay to play after lvl 30,  so that's some years that i play in the same way... and other uk bb tiers didn't help me learning how to deal with low range without front rushing: nelson and kgv is just rush and win, qe and repulse with those mark3 have almost bismark's range, and i almost skipped bb1s... at least L2 will have second best range :D

i thought that structural was related to shells resistance, something that described in game the "submergence" i heard several times here. and bulckhead was only to help not loosing OH. And from what i saw the more structural the more the ship is resistant... well, i was totally wrong then xD

  • Re : Lion Structural Strenght

    11. 01. 2012 09:50


It's just knowing when to rush and pull out. L1 is pretty easy to play.

Unless you rush to your death, it`s not going to work that way.

  • Re : Lion Structural Strenght

    11. 01. 2012 11:24


Originally Posted by mako089

Originally Posted by danita

Sorry Alex but you are largely wrong about structural strength.

Take the Soldati I with 46 structural strength, equip it with the DD3 ( heavy) engine and it looses the ability to OH below about 5030 DP ( out of 8100), or 62% DP remaining.
Compared to the Z31 with 45 structural strength equipped with the DD1 ( heavy) engine and it looses the ability to OH below about 2890 DP ( out of 7400), or 39% DP remaining.

The ship with the better structural strength looses OH a whole lot earlier.
Interestingly the overheat damage for the Soldati engine is 36%, and for the Z31 engine it's 60%. Now the "overheat damage"stat may not be the stat that puts the limits on when a ship retains OH, but it is for sure not structural strength.

Btw all RM DD's loose OH that early, if you use the heavy engines. It gets better with normal engines and best with the light engines. As it happens those have progressively better "overheat damage" stats.


You're actually correct about the OH damage stat.  Take the examples you gave about the 2 ships.  36% for the Soldati and you said about 5030/8100 is when you start to lose OH.  That's about 3000 damage which is about 36%.  Z31 is 60%, 2890/7400.  So about 4500 damage which is about 60%.  So the interpretation is, the OH damage % is the % damage you can take before losing OH.  The larger the % (example light engine), the more damage you can take before losing OH.

I've been using RM dds quite a lot recently and I looked into those numbers as well in order to maintain OH.  The OH damage stat does ~ at least for RM dds, work out + they are the only drawback to otherwise OP'ed DDs.

I stand corrected on the OH damage stat then. As for structural integrity - this still varies by nation, and the effectiveness of a nation's bulkhead varies. 

Show me some differences between say...the Z99 and the Z31, and I'd be willing to back off the point. 

  • Re : Lion Structural Strenght

    11. 01. 2012 18:41



  • Re : Lion Structural Strenght

    12. 18. 2012 10:39


L1 easily crippled?... man , you shuold try the KM H39, and then you will know the definition of easily cripple.

I have both, and the differences are huge. 

As other players said, L1 is a fine ship, and fast enoguh to close distance to another BBs to have a fair fight. 

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