HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • Most FUNner US Ship for Torpedos

    05. 22. 2013 14:01


Which USN (not sub) is the most fun for Torpedoes.



  • Re : Most FUNner US Ship for Torpedos

    07. 22. 2013 20:30


Based on the last comment. I will personally find and sink any USN BB (Or any non-IJN BB for that matter) that isn't the Ise Hybrid CV/BB, that is running torps. If you can't reload torps, you shouldn't run torps on it. Especially US with one of the shortest normal torpedo launcher range averages on basicly all of its non-SS torp launchers.

If you want to run torps with USN:

Fletcher (A great ship for PHH and Torps/DC)
Somers (Same as Fletcher, great ship for PHH and torps/DC) (Best low level Torpedo/ASW ship for USN)
Maybe the Gearing/Gearing DDR
Brooklyn T Slots (T Slots are pretty small)
Cleveland (However as mentoned the Front and Rear T slots) 

On the very,very extreme end:
Pensacola (You only get 2 shots, so load the 5 tube torpedo launchers, load all support slots with engineers and get in close and don't miss.) 

For my opinion on the other USN CAs (And even the pensacola) with torps, see the 3rd sentence of this post. 

Plus, the North Hampton, New Orleans and Portland have relatively smaller T slots.
The Baltimore has the same front/rear T slot setup as the Cleveland. 

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