HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • North Carolina vs. South Dakota

    07. 21. 2013 00:41


I got a ship tree reset from an event two years ago and I'm tempted to use it to get the North Carolina. Some insight on borth these ships helpfull, and if there is a better use I don;t know about for this item.


  • Re : North Carolina vs. South Dakota

    07. 25. 2013 05:57


I've got both and I like the South Dakota better  just because of the Speed.

The South Dakota can run like he11 if the situation warrants.   Its a little hard
 to run away in the N.C.  

To me, the So. Dak. is a slash and dash fighter while the N.C. is a "stand and duke it out fighter".       You have to play them differently.   


  • Re : North Carolina vs. South Dakota

    11. 14. 2013 18:46


i dont know how much this matters to you, but the NoCar has the better air guns. just the thing you need for that last line of defense against DBs and TBs.

  • Re : North Carolina vs. South Dakota

    11. 14. 2013 21:01



Check the date of the last post before posting next time. 

Also the NorCal guns spread is crap.

Unless you totally want to hit two BBs lined up with each other in 1 salvo and only have 3 shells.

At the end of the day, unless you have USN late classed 120 AA gunners, your better off running two reps on USN T slots, all engineers on 5 of the 6 support slots and then a scout on the last support slot. 

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