HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Speed data table for ships under lvl 50

    07. 22. 2011 09:17

Recommend : 2

This is a table of speeds of ships under lvl 50, and a few remods above 50.

The first pair of numbers is empty ship, no fcs, no armor, no crew, no weapons. just the largest engine unless it says otherwise.
The second pair is the same setup, but with a 50 ton sailor onboard.
The third pair is with a 100 ton sailor.
The fourth pair is with a 500 ton sailor
The last pair is with full displacement.
The top 10 in each category have been highlighted. 
Data is as of july 20, taken from test server.

Photobucket resizes photos bigger than 1024 tall so i made it in two parts so you can still see it at full size.
Part 2


  • Re : Speed data table for ships under lvl 50

    08. 06. 2011 20:34

also add full displacement for the ships on the list? did you notice the "FULL" column?

as i said, if you dont like it, get off my thread, your wasting your time then.

  • Re : Speed data table for ships under lvl 50

    08. 06. 2011 21:35

Originally Posted by silentsubusa

also add full displacement for the ships on the list? did you notice the "FULL" column?

as i said, if you dont like it, get off my thread, your wasting your time then.

Did you read my full post? I was trying to be nice and offer you advice on how to best present the information. Why is it that noobs always get offended when people with more experience offer them advice?

  • Re : Speed data table for ships under lvl 50

    08. 07. 2011 16:33

Originally Posted by silentsubusa

also add full displacement for the ships on the list? did you notice the "FULL" column?

as i said, if you dont like it, get off my thread, your wasting your time then.

Not all ship are made to be balanced at full displacement.

Also, if you make and post something on the forum, meant as either a guide, or in your case, a data sheet of reference, in no way you'll get blind applause at your work.

It will be discussed, the good and bad points will BOTH be pointed out, and people will suggest way to improve it.

It will also gives less experienced players an idea of the data accuracy, and how it applies in game.

As V2C pointed out, some ship have totally awesome empty speed compared to another.

Yet once the useful load is on, those ship are suddenly way slower while the other ship had only a slight variation in speed. Some ships have more guns, other have heavier guns.

When you do reference work, and its to be used by the general community as a in-game guide you need to make sure its:



There are 3 speed really that matters.

-Empty weight (can be useful) - Hull+ fcs + engine

-Utility weight - Empty weight + guns/ammo (for ships with multiple gun options, using the "standard" at level gun)

-Full displacement

If some ships have more than one possible engine, you could do both (some offer less base speed with higher OH speed at low level, since engineer have less influence then. Mainly some CAs that have a higher powered CA engine but can also use lesser HP CV engine, but that offer at-level speed cap with no engineer at all).

Concentrating on the "best" HP wise engine could be also done for simplicity sake.

the +50 +100 +500 are way too vague and +500 tons on a DD displacement is far from the same than +500 tons on a CL2's.

Then there is the matter of presenting your finding and data in a clear and easy to understand manner.

Exemple, what I'd do. I'd do 4 table, 1 for each nation so any ship is easy to find, and class them by level.

Not saying its the only way to go about it, its only a suggestion.

Then 1st column : Engine used
2nd collumn & 3rd collumn for empty weight speed, 2nd for base, 3rd for no-enginner OH speed. (the one you get out of the box)


It would be clear and useful.

If you do not like people critizing your work, keep your things to yourself, problem settled. Its not "your" thread, its "a" thread. "A" thread where everyone can post. "A" thread that belongs to SDE legally.

We can't go and recommend something we fail to understand where it applies.

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