HA Infomation



  • Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 04. 2014 08:21

Recommend : 0


for a long time, one of the things that bothered alot of people includying but not limited to "Fleet officers and staff" were the Fleet Jumpers.

Don't worry, i found the right solution to limit them very very down. ( Has it cons as well, i am aware of that )

Let's think for a moment, whats the purpose of the fleet Jumpers:

- Either they don't like the first fleet they join, it's just matter of days upto two weeks to leave their current fleet, without a warning or leave notice. ( so this become a Cycle among NF fleets )

- They join for a purpose:

 1. Spy: for competition/tournament purposes.
 2. Join to be strong then leave.

-Or they just simply Rage quit.

It bothers alot of people, I know. I found a solution, to limit them to low to non-existant.

Now, let's talk about the CONS.
1- Innocent People that has nothing to do with it, it will be affected in some ways. ( Unfortunately ) 

Now let's talk about the PRO's 

1- Non-serious players about joining a fleet will be limited from Jumping fleets.
2- will be limited from Spying other fleets.
3- The User will have to be serious when joining/leaving.
4- If the user gets kicked out for a good reason: he will not get reimbushment. If the users gets kicked by accident or leader had an issue against him, the user can approach to submit a ticket, and get his item, re-activated to join another fleet. 
5- It will benefit SDE ( Financially )
6- It will Help the fleets to get more serious players to stay longer.

Now let's about my suggestion

Every player has 3 free attemps to join a fleet ( Includes creating one by yourself ), if the players run out of attemps, the user cannot join another fleet even the penalty time is up. So, the user needs to buy "Access Pass to join fleet" in order be able to. 

The access pass will cost: $ 5.00 USD or whatever, it needs to be

Number of items: 1

Even if the player purchased the item, they still have to wait for their penalty to join is up, this item doesn't help you to avoid the time. 


If this idea is implemented, Then players has to be more carefull about leaving/ or rage quitting, after the free attempts, it will be not longer, free. 


  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 07. 2014 14:48



You say yourself you are absent from the game and then come back telling us that stay "don't worry, I have the solution"

O.K if u think so......................

You talk about the reasons why people are leaving the game, your solution has nothing to do with that.

If the game is in decline, first thing u want to do is make people unhappy by limiting their freedom of choice while introducing another paid feature. I can see that being popular :).

You are talking about the fleet hoppers and rage quitters and people not taking fleets seriously, but to be honest, I think most the guys here do take fleets seriously, and what you talk of is a minority issue.


If you were here since BETA came out, you should know better than anyone, the difference of the currents errors between back then and today.( I dont have to explain every single detail)

taking away your freedom? No, we are not. You can still choose the fleet you want to join or leave, or choose to play anything you want ( legit ) yet your freedom still with you. 

Yes, most of the guys are serious about their fleets, and they should know, this wont affect them, perhaps it will increase amount of players to be more dedicated to their fleets. 




  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 08. 2014 07:52


I wouldn't recommend this.
Fleets go under, go innactive, merge, blah blah.
Just no. 

  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 08. 2014 08:12


Please don't quote people when there is no distinction between what they have written and what you have written. It only confuses new readers.

Paid items.

Paid items are for added advantages for those that choose to pay.

Your idea is open to abuse by others placing enemies or people they don't like in bad situations. i.e if someone is unjustly kicked from a fleet, they then have to go through a lengthy process of proof of wrong doing, as mentioned before "guilty until proven innocent". Then have the pleasure of paying up? Don't think so my friend.

Your idea belongs in the real world , not here, as you can see the amount of dislike and pettiness between some of the people around here, i can see some people abusing this just for a laugh, or just because they can, and others should not have this power over individuals.

Thus far, your idea has 0 recommendations, but there is also the fact that there are quite a few issues to be sorted with this game before most people would even bother to comment on an idea like this.


  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 08. 2014 19:25


Originally Posted by Piseog

Please don't quote people when there is no distinction between what they have written and what you have written. It only confuses new readers.

Paid items.

Paid items are for added advantages for those that choose to pay.

Your idea is open to abuse by others placing enemies or people they don't like in bad situations. i.e if someone is unjustly kicked from a fleet, they then have to go through a lengthy process of proof of wrong doing, as mentioned before "guilty until proven innocent". Then have the pleasure of paying up? Don't think so my friend.

Your idea belongs in the real world , not here, as you can see the amount of dislike and pettiness between some of the people around here, i can see some people abusing this just for a laugh, or just because they can, and others should not have this power over individuals.

Thus far, your idea has 0 recommendations, but there is also the fact that there are quite a few issues to be sorted with this game before most people would even bother to comment on an idea like this.


The issues that has to be sorted as priority are the  one that keeps people crashing, and disconnected. And some others, regarding balance among ships and nations.

  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 09. 2014 01:43


I will point out something that has only been touched on here and pretty much kills this idea:

I have been in twice as many fleets as the limit states. I have never left a fleet myself, nor have I ever been kicked out as an individual. Every single fleet I've been in eventually disbanded, either completely or as part of a merge. This suggests I should be paying money because the fleets I've joined didn't stick around forever, which most do not.

I think a 10-day penalty is more than sufficient for this "problem," which I am not convinced exists to any greater extent than any similar group in any other game. Now, like everyone else says, let's fix the crashes desyncs, and server problems. All else is secondary or less.

  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 09. 2014 08:18


But after all that has been said, how about this one...........


It takes a certain amount of matruity and common sense to behave like a reasonable person, or even an adult.

Keeping a fleet together and becoming successful has degrees of this novel idea about it.


Why force people who cannot handle this concept to remain together more than usual?

"Game Killer"

  • Re : Solution against Fleet Jumpers ( but has it cons )

    10. 09. 2014 19:03


Better idea: don't allow fleet hoppers into your fleet in the first place.

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