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General Discussion


  • SDE release the NF2 NA teaser

    10. 24. 2014 08:33


Well SDE release his teaser from his last canceled product from europe to NA. 

What do you think guys?

SDE isn't a reliable company due:

- The Lack of a direct community manager.
- New content on NF1 without fixing the old.
- Archiving accounts in 6 months, if in the past i lived that issue, surely i'm not plaing this game now.
- Desync, with the shift tab tool canceled due that was the proof of many desync.
- The shutdown european NF2 server, from one month to another. 
- Buggy NF2, who knows if they just launch the same game on NA. 

As an obsesive player, by certain ways grinding is fun, but today the model of play is based in a avalaible characters/ships without any tree (e.g LOL). Is possible a game like this with the new generation of young people?.


  • Re : SDE release the NF2 NA teaser

    10. 29. 2014 17:43


Originally Posted by JimmyEAC

It should be obvious that most everyone here does not care one bit about NF2.


  • Re : SDE release the NF2 NA teaser

    10. 29. 2014 18:19


Originally Posted by Ramp4ge

NF2 would've been fun without submarines screwing it up. The ability to use primary, secondary and tertiary batteries in rapid succession was actually really nice. I enjoyed the betas immensely and I played for a while on teh Japanese server before I got tired of dealing with a VPN.

I'm really glad Wargaming knows better than to add submarines, at least.

The hangtime is what will drive people away WG.

Don't worry, typical wargaming philosophy about real physic and balance will just ruin the game.


Gaijin is going to fail miserably with their complete  broken matchmaking and arcade.

NF2 is just going to fail. And apparently Yuno is going to be involved in NF2.

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