HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 02/08/2016)

    05. 01. 2015 21:11


1- Who is this guy?


2 - that at some point have worked?

Fleet League


3 - you have viewed an image on HoF or ranking?


4 - in the history of this game you ever played it?


5 - Alot of Events, but always:


6 - how come that thing is always "0"???
by chandru5 and g444ran


7 - Yuno's Beach Club House?


8 - Commander?



9 - what is the current appearance of this baby? (I could not resist, sorry ;) )


10 - olive(lab)? 


 you have some mystery as well?




  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 06. 2015 00:12


update  ;)

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 06. 2015 03:05


Originally Posted by jacopo

Originally Posted by Karasuda

The leagues and tournaments page does work and was created for Fleet league, however, due to the desync issue and instability, Fleet league was indefinitely postponed until the issues were addressed/fixed.

i have to ask:

"do you still leave milk and cookies out for santa clause?"

 the truth is, the original organizer of the event, did not want the headache  of running another league. Said organizer stressed his balls off after the last fleet league he hosted and did not want the hassle of sorting out conflicts. If he wanted to, he has/had the capability to request an event server for fleet league purposes. the GM on the other hand appears to be incapable of providing said server.

Actually, some further info about what you provided is this:

I was actually the lead organizer for the last fleet league, however, I dropped that position and my TeamNF position due to stress and the issues I had with time commitment. After I dropped, I think the other mods at the time picked it up and finished the league for me.

The issue I had with the league itself was the rules and the constant conflicts stemming from them, they were not clear and many issues had come up that weren't addressed. However, the season before, I enjoyed hosting greatly and still have the forum access/post archives for it ;D

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 06. 2015 03:05


Kaiser Server Fleet League season 2 Pre-Playoff round robin tournament

I'll never forget it #Neverforget.

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 06. 2015 03:22


For me ..a completely different internet game that has lasted 10 years..what are the elements in this game that have made it last so long?

For me most of the other offerings now have better graphics etc but they dont offer as much user control of the ship functions and the broad  aspects of team play which is vital to real success in game( and in life....)

ie get rid of subs if you can but a real element of team play goes with that....I was in a GB where someone was whingeing about subs and when I checked around ..1 BB  had phhs ..none on cvs or other boats.....they just dont get it....... NF has that element of hard learning that I respect......

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 06. 2015 04:26


The biggest mystery of NF for me is still the same,
I started playing NF in 2006 with my office mate Zawi, we played in the same office, on the same computers ( we had 6 same dell smthing computers), on same win xp system,
if NF crashed, happened a lot, it always crashed at the seydlitz screen at the beginning,
if it crashed on my computer zawi send me his NF.exe file and it worked :o,
if zawi computer crashed i have send him mine nf.exe file, which worked for me a that day and NF worked suddenly on his computer. So by switching the same nf.exe file from one computer to another NF started working

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 09. 2015 14:09


The real question...

Who hasn't been on the alanvan account?

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 09. 2015 14:45


 9- what is the current appearance of this baby? (I could not resist, sorry ;) )

Some say he is the creator of the Selfie. This is what I heard:

 Who played long enough / read guides to understand the picture?


  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 10. 2015 09:36


Originally Posted by joris92

Who played long enough / read guides to understand the picture?



  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 10. 2015 10:07


Originally Posted by tappo01

Originally Posted by joris92

Who played long enough / read guides to understand the picture?



Yay Tappo, correct ! :D

  • Re : 10 years - mysteries of Navyfield (Up 05/06)

    05. 15. 2015 10:44


 Mais mistérios:

1 - HQ ainda continua bagunçado após 10 anos!!! SDE nunca quis saber das sugestões de mudança!

2 - HOF - Não é organizado em ordem decrecente de Tonagem of sunks, uma bagunça, me lembra o HQ!

3 - Ranking de fleet totalmente largado! Nunca é atualizado!

Então sempre funciona assim: Para manter rígidas regras de conduta dos jogadores existem GMs e TNF...mas para resolver estas simples coisas do jogo...não vou falar nem do show de crashes...o jogo fica largado...

Se tudo fosse resolvido e dado a devida manutenção, muitos não sairiam do jogo!

Pra mim, o maior mistério nestes 10 anos são os GMs...querem vender olivas, mas não melhoram o jogo!!! Pelo contrário, dificultam ainda mais as coisas...

Já disse inúmeras vezes: não é evento constante que vai manter jogadores! É jogo funcionando corretamente e as mudanças solicitadas serem feitas...mas eles não pensam NO JOGADOR! Pensam só neles!


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