HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    10. 31. 2017 18:57


For the record,i am a Chinese player and i don't afk in every game.(That's something people with MF head will do)
Recently some people have benn complaining about our CVs.They seem to have a different understanding of this.1st,we RT never afk,2nd,we RT never afk!3rd,we RT never AFK!So don't target your aim wrongly.And don't tk us.Cause that'll be something  rude,and the result is horrible for your game journey.
In the end,cv is not your daddy, can't help you everytime you need.Be strong,you're gonna face the society one day.xD
 An for those who tk,i have all your nice ships in my camera,no idea why gm hasn't ban you account yet,but i hope will soon.
This game is old,and tk is like cancer to this old shaped body.Shall we try our brst to protect it? 


  • Re : Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    11. 02. 2017 07:06


Muchos ya llevamos varios años jugando y hemos pasado por esto en muchas ocasiones. 
Que no hayas aprendido a sobrellevar esto o a saber como manejar este tipo de situaciones es otra cosa, sin embargo si sabes después de 6, 7... 100 batallas que tipos de tal flota o tal ID juegan pésimo, utilizan su BB sólo con AA, un CV se dedica sólo a torpedear, etc etc. Me da una simple señal que cuando lo tenga en mi grupo de juego no podré contar con él. Es un total 0, así que para hacerme bilis, cólera. Cambio o uso otra estrategia pues "sólo" estarán en las GBs más no en las HAs o HDs y sobretodo no son de mi flota.
Soluciono ello utilizando mi scout o el scout de otro jugador, utilizando un rush donde pueda buscar una buena cantidad de tiros y esperar ganar la partida, aprovechar que algun TB o Db me ilumine un espacio unos segundos y rushear, aprovechar a los SSs para que me den visión, etc, etc, etc. Millones de formas de solucionar ello y buscar seguir divirtiéndome con este hermoso juego.
No sugieras o pidan que los envien a otro servidor sólo para ellos,pues en la actualidad casi son mayoria, tienen que darse cuenta que son un mal necesario y sólo nos queda convivir con ellos, adaptarte y buscar mejores soluciones dentro del juego. No busques terminar con éste hermoso juego, los hispanos, europeos y del norte de america sumamos pocos en la actualidad.... recuerda eso.

Barry lo ha dicho todo.

  • Re : Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    11. 02. 2017 07:58


Originally Posted by mmawy

Cvs with t3 can't defreat t5.

ahahah WHAT!?

  • Re : Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    11. 02. 2017 11:25


I'm a BB player in CHNB Fleet, and I just want to clarify that CHNB (with the rabbit logo) is a totally fleet different than MF Team (with the Hawk logo) even though we are both Chinese fleet. 

I saw some complaints recently from Chineses CV players AFK issue. I just want to clarify that most Chinese CVs that AFK in the game ARE NOT with the rabbit logo because we all respect the game and other players. IF you ever want to complaint or say something about AFK, please target to that specific logo fleet, not general CHINESE players. Because we are Chinese fleet too, but WE DO NOT AFK. 


  • Re : Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    11. 02. 2017 17:49


Originally Posted by cadam007

Originally Posted by mmawy

Cvs with t3 can't defreat t5.

ahahah WHAT!?'re telling me lvl75 fighters can defeat lvl115 fighters?

  • Re : Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    11. 02. 2017 18:20


Originally Posted by mmawy

Originally Posted by cadam007

Originally Posted by mmawy

Cvs with t3 can't defreat t5.

ahahah WHAT!?'re telling me lvl75 fighters can defeat lvl115 fighters?


It depends.  lvl 75 fgt planes with lvl 75 sailor vs. lvl 115 fgt planes with lvl 115 sailor at the same number of planes and both under control will be very hard or almost impossible.  The lvl 75 fgt planes and sailors can only win with number and under control against lvl 115 fgt without control.  The difference between lvl 75 fgt planes and lvl 115 fgt planes both with lvl 115 fgt sailors are not that much.  Some players like to use lower lvl planes because they are quicker to launch and stay in the air longer.   I use lvl 115 planes instead of lvl 75 planes because it is very hard for lvl 75 planes to chase lvl 115 scouts when the scouts are under control.  I think what he meant is: control, sailor lvl, and number are more important factors?

  • Re : Yeah.well,Somsthing about this game.

    11. 03. 2017 04:03


Originally Posted by mmawy
Yo no puedo jugar .... siempre el maldito laggy .... me imagino que aquellos jugadores de steam se van a sentir mas estafado con el juego ... si no arreglan ese problema .... pues en mi pais eso se llama marania ... si esta marania de juego no se componen te juro que no van a jugar mas nadie les mando un duende para que les jode el servidor por meses 

Originally Posted by Dario1971

Originally Posted by URRS

Respondo a que los jugadores de china , soy horribles jugando , sobre todo en cv y si el cv es soporte en las GB y en las HA sin un buen cv que lleve scouts y fighters es casi imposible que pueda el equipo de BB tener una vision buena , asi siendo un gran jugador de BB sin vision no sos nada ... 

Conceptos que los asiaticos no entienden todas las patidas usando dbs y tbs ... no saben otra cosa que eso o usar puras AA

Para mi quisiera que se vallan a un servidor chino o japones aqui no aportan nada es mas solo baja calidad!


 here the translation

I answer to the Chinese players, I am horrible playing, especially in cv and if the cv is support in the GB and in the HA without a good cv that carries scouts and fighters it is almost impossible for the BB team to have a good vision, so being a great player of BB without vision you're nothing ...


Concepts that the Asians do not understand all the games using dbs and tbs ... they do not know anything else than that or use pure AA


For me I would like them to go to a Chinese or Japanese server here they do not contribute anything but low quality!



First of all,people have different understanding of cvs.Some consider them as heavy force,some think it a supporter.No one should charge anything for that.Also,planes have levels(not sure if everyone knows that xD)Cvs with t3 can't defreat t5.(well if you can,send me those videos and let me learn something in that).
Anyway..we RT(People with Rabbit some may call us bunny..that's long as it's nice and not humiliating)have nothing to promise but one,dedicated to all games as long as we are in.
As for your naive server changing suggestion,how many people  you think will have when all CN players leave?Name one game,if you prove that the game can survive with no chinese players.You can have your coice via steam,i'm giving you an easier way.

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