HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • rescue the game

    12. 06. 2017 08:34


Hello Vinnson, I would like to comment and ask you at the same time what is needed to make the game really worthy in these times, you informed that by making different adjustments such as eliminating the trade, resetting the fleets and other details, the game would come back to life , but evidently this is NOT so, on the contrary the game is in its worst stage in more than a decade of life, now one analyzes different parameters such as goodwill and time but it really is NOT enough for the game to have the standards of other years, now tell me frankly what do you need, resources? technical support?, I ask you with all respect and sincerity given that I really like this game, I've known many people and above all and lived pleasant moments and I'm very sorry that the game is so bad.


and we stay in touch for what you need

Hola Vinnson, quisiera comentarle y preguntarle a la vez que es lo que usted necesita para que el juego realmente sea digno en estos tiempos , usted informo que realizando distintos ajustes como eliminar el trade  resetear las flotas y distintos otros detalles el juego volveria a tener vida , pero evidentemente esto NO es asi , al contrario el juego esta en su peor etapa en mas de una decada de vida , ahora bien uno analiza distintos parametros como es su buena voluntad y tiempo pero realmente NO alcanza para que el juego tenga los estandares de otros años , ahora bien digame usted con toda franqueza que es lo que necesita , recursos ? soporte tecnico ?, se lo pregunto con todo respeto y sinceridad dado a que en verdad este juego me gusta mucho , eh conocido muchas personas y por sobre todo e vivido gratos momentos y me da mucha pena que este tan mal el juego.




y quedamos en contacto para lo que usted necesite


  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 07. 2017 11:48


+ Trade system back.

  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 07. 2017 16:06


[QUOTE = TeamNF]


la siguiente es nuestra dirección general en 2017/2018

1. Estabilizar el motor central del juego para que la tasa de accidentes se reduzca en un 80% (esto lleva más tiempo y estamos probando en el servidor de prueba todos los días) 

2. Arregle HA para jugadores veteranos, Arregle el modo de Ocupación y Op Convoy

3. Anime salas de nivel bajo / medio para nuevos jugadores

4. Nueva nación

5. Otro gran cambio global que aguarda la decisión final


La verdad que no dijiste nada de lo que ya hallas dicho ... PURO BLA BLA BLA ... asi vienen desde el 2015

Por que sacar ebb7??? ( Cuando podrian modificar los modelos de los ya existentes como el midway US y Uk .. EJEMPLO )

Por que no poner cañores costeros como existian antes ????

Por que no usar el apa para ganar salas en HA ????

Por que no hacen una forma de publicidad y invierten en atraer nueva gente ????

Por que no ayudan con los sopportes y los tickets ???

Basicamente siguen igual  insisto han vendido humo a mas no poder! 


  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 07. 2017 16:37


Originally Posted by TeamNF


The following is our general direction in 2017/2018

4. New Nation

5. Another big global change awaiting final decision

See guys, I kept my macros as "WTB EBVE Canadian BB6 crew" because its finally happening. Whichever fleet holds port Vancouver will be the Best Fleet.

Also that big glabal change better be Trade coming back.

  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 07. 2017 17:01


It wont matter what you say or recommend or suggest. The opposite will be done. Its pretty much fact. Not slandering in any way. 

Game stability is a great thing to work on but there are far easier things to implement to bring people back to the game.


Make it a Premium thing to do and CHARGE Olives per transaction.

But it wont be done as its the right thing to do.

  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 07. 2017 23:12


The best thing that can be done is to listen to the community and follow the suggestions that the players want. Thats how you keep the player base. But this will go way over the head of our glorious GM.

Whats more important? Low work loads for obvious sub standard employees.

  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 09. 2017 05:31


Simplemente inviertan mas en publicidad por todo sitio web en el ciber espacio ,el juego es genial.. pero por no invertir en publicidad global hace q se este hundiendo este barco llamado NF.

  • Re : rescue the game

    12. 10. 2017 07:43


Totalmente de acuerdo, hagan algo por salvar este gran juego, y si el haber quitado la posibilidad de Trade no ha contribuido a su estabilidad, habilitenlo de nuevo para que podamos disfrutar de una de las mejores partes del juego, que era poder cambiar/comprar/vender marinos entre nosostros..

Un saludo y sigan trabajando, gracias

  • Re : rescue the game

    02. 27. 2018 08:08




The following is our general direction in 2017/2018

1. Stablize the game core engine so crash rate will lowered by 80%(This takes most time and we are testing in test server every day) 

2. Fix HA for veteran players,  Fix Occupation mode and Op Convoy

3. Encourage Low/Mid level rooms for new players

4. New Nation

5. Another big global change awaiting final decision

  • Re : rescue the game

    02. 27. 2018 08:12


Ok by the time they materialize ...

  • Re : rescue the game

    02. 28. 2018 18:40


first i want to say that i use XP to play this game.i also no that by november 2020 Win 7, 8, and 8.1 will NO LONGER BE SUPPORTED.  currently,  after  3 maint./patch cycles timewise, i only crash about 1 in 8 games, better from previous every other game crashes.  

by now, most players should understand that you MUST 'tweak' your pc to play this game.  i had to on Win 8, 8.1 , and XP, so i know what i am talking about.  if you have not done so and are using factory graphic acc. and other settings AND are crashing, adjust your settings to favor graphics, ie, game systems in this case.  or find someone to do it for you.  the game WILL run better.

EVERY TIME an XP crash problem has occured, SDE has found an answer to the crash problem.  i have to say "GOOD JOB"!   they do so too quietly and DO NEED TO POST FIXES.  i must also to thank several NF players who have assisted in helping the game run right.

on the other hand i see posts from numerous old adversaries who have not been active for some time, and from people i HAVE NEVER SEEN IN EVEN ONE GAME discussing something they did not experience.

some steam players have excelled and remain, old faces keep popping up from time to time IN THE GAME, but currently Navy Field is getting close to the situation in 2016-2017 where about 50-100 players kept the game alive, playing when we could, sometimes in a 7-10 BB single room for hours ...for over 5 months .  

i did suggest, in the forum and by support ticket, that they run consecutive events to keep people coming to the game while the steam players got settled in.  they did, kinda.

however, the last event was an 'extended weekend event'.  neither event addressed players having a 'good' chance at BB 6.5s and 7s, and CV 6.5s and 7s.  VERY FEW people will invest the amount of money(olives) required to get even ONE of these.  also, neither event offered a significant chance of getting the old favorite MINES and SMOKES we miss so much, or even prem sailors and UHH  EXPERTS that you need to advance in the game!

I DID SAY SIGNIFICANT.  weekend VETTING bonuses of say 200-400% will help ALL players to compete.   and...weekend experience bonuses of 100-300% will assist satisfactory advancement of crews for ALL.

Italy was a fun change for the game and a new nation might stir the pot.  and i think it is obvious they have passed the discussion point and that new nation is somewhere near a BETA test.  hell   i'll check it out!  Italy was FUN, still is!  

lastly WE ALL NEED a way to trade sailors.  this is another undeniable way to add to ship development by the use of skill stats and game scores.  

oh yah...what the hell is a global change?  server move to china?  or somewhere else?   referring to the game or the server or what?


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