HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Trade

    03. 20. 2018 19:43


Bringing back the trade system will surely bring back the game to life..... 


  • Re : Trade

    03. 23. 2018 01:26


SCAMMING in trade is not the responsibility og ADMINS, it is the responsibility of a player, theres a lot of warning befire you are going to trade, and be responsible enough not to be scammed, those people that were scammed and the people who scams is the reason why trade is disabled, how about thos good traders and good players? if u are playing a game it is your responsibility how to trade not the ADMINS

  • Re : Trade

    03. 24. 2018 03:45


The Gm so hard to hear the comuinty ,, we are happy about Trade system , no matter  what we are happy about  Trading , dont start conversation about other game have no trade system ,, yes we know but we played this  cuz  it have trading system ,,  so please bring it back , and maybe you took all NF credits and points to Zero ,, to start frish ,,  

i hope you once  listen to the comuinty  

  • Re : Trade

    03. 24. 2018 04:51


Any online game is in danger to every and very very good hacker/s.

Trade system in NF is neither a treat to national security of NF itself ONLY to those careless players who like to be fooled BESIDES, theres a very clear and double checking POP-UP warning in trading that NF will not be liable to such problems.

Why removed TRADING? why entertain CARELESS PLAYERS who are for sure ADULTS already in this particular game.

And trading, is a very very good business whom NF is very much benefited.  You want more money for this game? Bring back TRADE. There are players and mostly cant afford nor waste there money buying for premium items, they exchange each other so that both will be benefited and NF being the STORE likewise benefited. everybodys happy!.

  • Re : Trade

    03. 25. 2018 06:24



  • Re : Trade

    03. 25. 2018 10:15


-1 esto alentara a la gente el impulso de robo de cuentas ....

Especial aquellos ussers que usan multiples cuentas compradas  ( sin dar nombres )

como algunos jugadores rusos y chinos

sigo mi postura en contra de la reapertura del trade

  • Re : Trade

    03. 25. 2018 12:05


Yes, that would be great. A guy would like to sell his CV6 crew for only 500 dollars, but thats impossible now and maybe against the rules......:)

  • Re : Trade

    03. 26. 2018 09:09


aparece el trade aparecen los ladrones ...! paradojicamente ahora esos personajes ni aparecen ,pero en donde vuelva cosa que dudo ,aparecen los ladrones de vuelta ,nada es gratis .

  • Re : Trade

    03. 27. 2018 01:15


As a NF Veteran since 2009, I agree that the trade should be re-activated.

The trade system was never fully removed from the games properties. It was simply de-activated.

I'm unsure of rather how easy or difficult it would be to bring the trade back into the game code and not interfere with anything within the game code. 

As seen above, it was clear that the GM's failed to see that the red message that has been there since forever stated that it is the players responsibility to ensure that the trade that they are making with the player of interest is comitting to making a 110% legit trade and not a scam and therefore that if the player was scammed then it is NOT the GM's or TNF's responsibility of lost crew or credits. 

I'm sorry Vinnson, you are a nice guy at heart, but I've seen this long enough to say that it is not up to the GM to decide what's best for the community.

The Community knows what's best for the community! The community basically runs itself if you would just listen to them! Believe them! Believe the Veteran players, they know what is best for the game and especially looking out for the new players that have come since the steam launch. I've seen failure of any progress of the game's future.

It isn't too late. Just please listen to the community. If you just listen, the game can potentially come back to life with that plus, advertising the game in the right way so that NF can come back for a brighter future.

  • Re : Trade

    03. 27. 2018 01:44



  • Re : Trade

    03. 27. 2018 05:37

Unfortunately trading system is not in our agenda. 

Hacking and real world trading harmed the game too much along with the previous crazy amount of event xp and items. Those all added together is not good for the game in long term. 

Additionally, we provided a long period of time for players to merge crew before the system was taken away. So there will be no more opportunities to transfer crew between accounts. 

As I said, there maybe a crew lending system/fleet bank system in the future, but it's not in the short term (1-6 months). 

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