HA Infomation

Soviet Navy


  • Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 17. 2011 05:36

What are the cons & pros of SN?

I heard they have good DB's but what about other things? 


  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 18. 2011 13:49

angus, i guess I should thank you for the reload decrease then. I'd say overpowered is pushing it though, the Baltimore is probably as strong with the 8" trip RFs. I have both and I'm torn over which I prefer, and a few people I ask say Balt is better, so if Gorki is OP then so is Baltimore. I think Gorki is very strong but considering you don't get it until lvl 54 and the BB1 is such a pile of trash, it deserves to be how it is.

Rick, I'd say give SN a try during the next event so that you can reasonably Vet and Expert a crew for free to see if you like it. Or try it out for fun with a "normal" crew. You don't have to plan to be the best BB out there to enjoy a nation.

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 18. 2011 15:50

Originally Posted by angus725
Originally Posted by zesoviets

BB Pros:
BB4 Stalingrad, long range, good dmg.

BB Cons:
all other BBs - BB1, BB2s, BB3s, BB5 and BB6. Since some of them got nerfed too much and some were never fixed.

also note, BB4 Stalingrad has very long hangtime (longer than yammy, supper yammy, maybe even longer than amagi), they gonna nerf it too (they call it fixing), instead of fixing it.


Proof of what?
BB3 IM still has more range than BB3 Kronstadt, even though IM has 40 max angle guns and Kronstadt 45... maybe swap the ranges? doh.
unless you want to have more firepower + more range vs. less firepower + less range + a bit better penetration = still less dmg and less range?

about BB4? no proof needed, play yammy/SY and then play Stalingrad, you'll feel the hangtime instantly.

BB5? hm, what's good about it? the only planned fixing project involving SN BBs = future 100 and 110lvl gun balancing (if it'll be done right)!

BB6... speed increase was denied, oh well, lets be food... we'll be rushed, but we can't dodge too?

so all in all right now, SN has only 1 decent BB = bb4 stalingrad = which needs fixing too (not nerfing). meh

don't get me wrong, that IM nerf and submergence fixes were needed, but how come everything else got screwed up?
just my feedback (which will be ignored)...

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 19. 2011 15:51

BB1 was buffed with the addition of a set of trip 12" guns. While it doesn't make it the best BB1, it's not bad for a BB1.

BB2s have received a accuracy buff and a level decrease...they should be fine.

IM/Kronstadt will get fixed when the testing team gets around to redoing the BB3s. The entire BB3 tier is junk in terms of balance. You have the Bismarck and Nagato dominating, but the RN and USN ships fail.

My personal idea with SN BB3s would be to give the Kronstadt 1-2kn more base speed than the IM, a tiny bit more range, and a little better reload time. For the IM, higher damage (in terms of BB3s).

Hangtime for which set of stalingrad guns?

And as for the BB6, I'll see what I can do on the test server forums.

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 19. 2011 16:09

Originally Posted by angus725
Hangtime for which set of stalingrad guns?

the ones which don't have BB3 range (89lvl, fix these too for the reason i just typed) = 91lvl trips (these with very long hang time).

BB3 balancing? would be nice, but 2-6 months waiting... :(

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 19. 2011 21:12

Originally Posted by zesoviets

Originally Posted by angus725
Hangtime for which set of stalingrad guns?

the ones which don't have BB3 range (89lvl, fix these too for the reason i just typed) = 91lvl trips (these with very long hang time).

BB3 balancing? would be nice, but 2-6 months waiting... :(

lol, BB3 balance will not start for at least 6 months at the current rate of balancing.

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 20. 2011 09:58

Originally Posted by angus725

BB1 was buffed with the addition of a set of trip 12" guns. While it doesn't make it the best BB1, it's not bad for a BB1.

This is good news but I can't seem to find them in the Game Info database (I think that's out of date anyway). What level are they and what range do they have?

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 20. 2011 12:56

Originally Posted by Vlad381

This is good news but I can't seem to find them in the Game Info database (I think that's out of date anyway). What level are they and what range do they have?

lvl 63 3x12"/52 pattern 1904 ...

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 20. 2011 13:26

thanks, didnt see its out of sequence XD

what's the point if it's lvl 63? may as well stick it out in CA 2 or 3 more lvls, the SN BB2s come at low lvl

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 20. 2011 17:42

Originally Posted by Vlad381

thanks, didnt see its out of sequence XD

what's the point if it's lvl 63? may as well stick it out in CA 2 or 3 more lvls, the SN BB2s come at low lvl

For those without a large amount of time, even 2/3 levels with a better gun is a blessing.

  • Re : Cons and Pros of SN?

    09. 23. 2011 19:20

I have the SN BB6 and grinded all the way and unless they fixed it last week I would say:

*+2 Engine
*+2 Bomber
*Good Armor penetration.
*High damage DB bombs.
*Fast torpedoes.
*High leftover displacement for SS.

*Lowest speed.
*Lowest maneuverability.
*No armor capability(even if a gun is removed)
*Below average AA.
*Bad Fighters.
*Low damage torpedoes.

*Firepower(slightly above average in most cases)
*Range(I know It's marketed to have good range, sadly it's not entirely true)
*Survivability.(below average in most cases)
*Gun Reload speed(low for doubles, average for triples, high for quads)

All I can say is that SN BB isn't fun like MN in the lower levels or fun like UK in the higher levels. In GB you may tend to perform better then a KM ship thanks to having good firepower most of the time. When it comes to range, it depends allot. The BB1, BB3, BB4 and BB6 have about 2nd best range. The BB2 differ a little in range, not sure anymore but I do remember the Gangut having low range. For BB rooms, the BB4 performs quite good while the BB5 is horrible and the BB6 is...(my personal opinion horrible too) depends I suppose...

The BB1 performs quite well in a blitz, but not so well in a GB2.(then again no BB1 perform well in GB)

The BB2 is not that bad, not the best BB2's I would say, but still decent.

The BB3 IM was OP, now it's not bad. Play similar to a slower AD with better firepower. The Lenny is good for BB3 rooms, although I would prefer a O-pro2 over it. Relatively good range with good firepower.

BB4, probably one of the best BB4 in-game. Has great range and firepower and a thin profile(hitbox) like iowa. It goes 40 knots in OH, so not that slow either.

The SN BB5 is nothing more then a 39 knot SY with less firepower with Montana range and with the lvl 110 quads a 37 knot Alsace with less survivability with Monty range and slightly less firepower then both. Alsace are your worse enemy and best shot is killing H44. Below average for GB, bad for BB rooms.

The SN BB6 is a slower Kaiser with nebby range.(don't know if they increased it's kaiser firepower yet) Against any fast ship, it's food.

For CV, it's incomplete since it has no T4 FP and T5 scouts. The DB's are really powerful(I would say better then IJN, not as good as the pre-patch MN DB's). The CV's have great R-slot for anti-SS. Too bad their slower then most SS.

For SS it's not so great at killing BB's. Good as ASW and best(or second to km) at killing fast smaller targets.

Overall I see SN needs some rework on the BB4(12" guns), BB5(triple and quad guns) and even BB6(speed or/and damage increase).

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