HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Distances Each Gun Fires?

    06. 26. 2011 07:57

Recommend : 1

When I get into a new vessel and putting new guns on what am I looking for to get the greatest distance for the angle?
is it Muzzle V. Vs Gun Inch? + Angle? Kinda wish they would just tell you and avoid silly trial and error...


  • Re : Distances Each Gun Fires?

    08. 05. 2011 13:42

Originally Posted by phantom3553

*POUNDING you space bar might help increase your range ROFL (joking)*

LOL if you tap your spacebar lightly the shells just drop out of the end of the barrel into the water, if you hit it with a wrecking ball the NF server crashes from your shell going over into the next room... =P

  • Re : Distances Each Gun Fires?

    08. 09. 2011 11:50

there is really no way to tell how far a gun will fire, experience is the only teacher here.
as a general idea, the L variants always have longer range. and light he/ap will shoot further than heavy or normal he.

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