HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Kongo issues

    10. 20. 2011 09:37

ok guys im in my knogo first ijn BB need some advice i have a fat crew if ya get what i mean but even with 900 SD good gunners and 42knt speed the ships like paper can take no dmg or i sink i need some advice should i stay and grind out kongo or go back to my CA 


  • Re : Kongo issues

    11. 02. 2011 04:45

Originally Posted by fyyff

Originally Posted by Vlad381

for all the bad press it attracts, I genuinely think the Kongo is one of the better BB1s, certainly one of the most balanced. I'm tempted to re-buy a Kongo when my crew is say, Yamato level, just to mess around in it =P

i did that (at nagato level) ... most of the frustration with the kongo stems from the limitations of AT LEVEL gunners and supports .. with an over-level crew the kongo is FUN to play for a change of pace ...

the reason i was doing it was to have a lower-level ship to help level up batches of pilots and supports (at-level for them) to catch them up with my bo's and gunners

but i also didn't use the kongo when my gunners and bo was at the kingo level .. i got a PBB B65 and used that to grind my main crew on

Maybe thats just me but I don't like it that much. I find it lack a personnality in a way. By that I mean a particularity to the ship that makes it fun to play in its own way.

Anyway, I also would like to note once you get the gunners to level 67, you can use 2x14"/45 type3A N (Fuso's N) on the Kongo, giving you a bit more punch and the same range (maybe a bit over even)

  • Re : Kongo issues

    11. 03. 2011 11:37

I also have a B65 and I find I tend to get more XP in it than Nagato, which is partly why I don't play the Nagato often. Don't get me wrong I like the ship, it's just the grind to Yamato is slow enough as it is! I take it out for fun though sometimes!

I can see what aingeal is getting at, I just like how the ship looks though XD

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