HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • 50k Attk with u flak guns

    12. 15. 2011 10:26

Gotta love being an ss driver and the rewards u get for it. 50k with guns and 50 /w torps all against a L2 with torps and sunk doria and scham with guns !!! and a boatload of xp I get. in fact i did the most damage on our team lol


  • Re : 50k Attk with u flak guns

    12. 16. 2011 17:44

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Complaining about being in a crazy overpowered ship?

Welcome to Navyfield

This thread is about the disparity in performance/xp reward vs other ship types. Your comment was relevant to this thread how? Was constructive in what way exactly? Wasn't designed to ridicule the original poster how? Yeah.

edited: To say to Mobeus: You're also driving a boat with BO either 15-17 lvls over (cant remember offhand, and not looking it up) I believe that is in the realm of a 50% xp nerf right there. LJ could possibly shed more light on the exact numbers , since he is bound to know, if he feels like contributing something useful here ^^

  • Re : 50k Attk with u flak guns

    12. 16. 2011 19:17

Originally Posted by Falcon91

I see sub players whine...then again I don't see ASW players whine when subs are killed by DC's the true ASW skill weapons where you get up close and personal. Our EXP is also the same since torp EXP is broken, yet you don't hear dedicated ASW players whine.

I always see a sub whine and complain about how no one hit a level 25 FF-Y and how the sub got nuked.

EDIT: added more

Because ASW players don't really ever get more than one sub a game unless they're very skilled or lucky to have all the subs come to their side. SS put out a lot of damage on higher tiered ships, so they should get more xp, but due to xp being broken, they don't.

On the side, a lvl 25 FF-y doesn't really need to worry about low xp values because they don't need a lot of xp to level their sailors. High lvl SS do.

  • Re : 50k Attk with u flak guns

    12. 16. 2011 23:34

Wow that's terrible exp. I get that much exp doing 30K damage in an O pro.

  • Re : 50k Attk with u flak guns

    12. 17. 2011 05:48

Originally Posted by mattd3

Wow that's terrible exp. I get that much exp doing 30K damage in an O pro.

are you not a sub player?....

and how do you even get this exp? what hacks are you running O_o

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